File #: 09-3900-20/3000/1 Doc #: 4774355.v3
ZONING BYLAW NO. 3000, 1996
The Council of the City of Coquitlam, in open meeting assembled, enacts as follows:
101 Citation
This Bylaw may be cited as the “City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw No. 3000, 1996”.
Partial information only. Refer to
City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw.
201 Definitions
For ease of use, all words appearing in italics are defined terms in this Bylaw.
In this Bylaw:
ACCESS DRIVEWAY means the area between the roadway or street and required parking
spaces which provide an approach to said parking spaces.
ACCESSIBLE PARKING means a parking space reserved for the exclusive use of a person with
a disability parking permit issued by SPARC BC.
ACCESSIBLE RESIDENTIAL means a residential use that allows persons with disabilities,
without assistance, to be able to approach, enter, pass to and from, and make use of an
area and its facilities, consistent with the standards outlined by Canada Mortgage and
Housing Corporation.
ACCESSORY ADVERTISING means use of land, a building exterior, or a structure or thing,
located other than within a building, for the purpose of advertising or promoting a
product, service, place or event, that is for sale or rent, available, held, assembled,
manufactured or otherwise located on the same lot.
ACCESSORY BUILDING means a subordinate building located on the same lot as the
principal building or use, the use of which is incidental and accessory to that of the
principal building or use.
ACCESSORY CARETAKER means the use for the accommodation of one or more employees
of a business conducted on the same lot.
ACCESSORY EMPLOYEE RESIDENTIAL means the use of a dwelling for the accommodation of
one or more employees of a business conducted on the same lot.
ACCESSORY HOME OCCUPATION means a use relating to a craft, occupation or profession
conducted within a building used for residential use or accessory residential use by a
resident of the residential building.
ACCESSORY INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES means an institutional use that is ancillary
to a residential use and provides services and care to a person or persons that are residents
of the building in which the use is located and includes hair stylists, aestheticians, personal
health care, and office.
ACCESSORY LIQUOR STORE means a use which is accessory to the principal use of a liquor
primary establishment and provides for the retail sale of alcoholic beverages for off-site
consumption, all as licensed by the Liquor Control and Licensing Act.
Partial information only. Refer to
City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw.
ACCESSORY OFFICE means a room or rooms in which business, clerical, or professional
activities are conducted in an industrial building, and which is subordinate to an industrial
ACCESSORY OFF-STREET LOADING means a use providing for the loading needs generated
by a permitted use on the same lot.
ACCESSORY OFF-STREET PARKING means a use providing for the temporary parking needs
generated by a permitted use.
ACCESSORY ONE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL means the residential use of one dwelling unit by the
owner or operator of a business, or a leader of a place of worship conducted on the same
ACCESSORY PRODUCE SALES means an accessory use providing for the retail sale of
agricultural products produced on the same lot.
ACCESSORY RESIDENTIAL means a use ancillary to a residential use providing for activities
customarily incidental to the accommodation and home life of a person or persons; and
includes incidental horticulture, recreation, storage, and the keeping of three or fewer
animals as household pets that are normally kept within a dwelling unit and are not kept
for financial gain; but does not include repairing or salvaging and using parts of a motor
vehicle owned by a person not residing in a dwelling unit on the same lot.
ACCESSORY RETAIL means the sale of goods to the end consumer of product manufactured
or wholesaled on the same lot.
ACCESSORY STREET VENDING means the sale of goods, wares, merchandise or foodstuffs
by a street vendor from a self-contained vehicle, cart, or other mobile apparatus, as
regulated under the “City of Coquitlam Street Vending and Special Event Vending Bylaw
No. 4308, 2012” currently in force.
ACCESSORY UNENCLOSED STORAGE mean the outdoor storage of goods or materials
incidental to the principal use on a lot.
ACCESSORY USE means a use subordinate to and customarily associated with or incidental
to, the principal use of the lot upon which the accessory use is located.
ADAPTABLE UNIT means a dwelling unit with flexible features that can accommodate
occupants’ changing requirements easily and inexpensively and that conforms to Section
3.8.5 of the BC Building Code, as amended, restated or replaced from time to time.
ADULT ENTERTAINMENT USE means a store that sells, rents, uses or shows an object (other
than a contraceptive device), commodity, good, material, device, machine, service or
entertainment which is designed or intended to be used in or is a depiction of, a sexual act
as defined in the Motion Picture Act Regulations (B.C. REG. 260/86).
Partial information only. Refer to
City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw.
ADULT VIDEO STORE mean any premises licensed as an adult film retailer under the
Motion Picture Act R.S.B.C 1996, C.314, where adult motion pictures or videos or films that
produce or reproduce adult motion pictures are available for sale, rental or use.
ADVERTISING means a use of a lot, the exterior of a building, or of a structure of thing
located other than within a building, including billboards, providing for the advertising or
promoting of a product, service, place or event.
AGRICULTURAL means use providing for the growing, rearing, cultivating, producing and
harvesting of agricultural products, including the preliminary grading of such products for
shipments; specifically includes mushroom growing, the keeping of dogs, horses, cattle,
other livestock, swine, furbearing animals, poultry, pigeons, doves, bees, rabbits and other
animals and birds; excludes all manufacturing and processing other than primary grading,
cannabis production, cannabis processing, cannabis retail.
ANIMAL SHELTER means a facility which may include indoor or outdoor runs for the
impoundment of dogs, cats, and other animals who are either unlawfully at large, lost,
abandoned or removed from their owner’s premises due to mistreatment; excludes
veterinary service.
APARTMENT means a building used for three or more dwelling units, and includes such a
building subdivided under the Strata Property Act; excludes townhouses, multiplex
residential, fourplex residential and triplex residential.
APPROVING OFFICER means the Approving Officer for the City as designed by Council and
as defined under the Land Title Act.
ASSEMBLY means the gathering of persons for religious, charitable, philanthropic, cultural,
recreational or social purposes, including places of worship, auditoriums, meeting rooms,
social halls, trade and convention centres, child-minding services, youth and seniors’
centres, and group camps; excludes casino gaming, commercial recreation, extensive
ASSEMBLY CHILD CARE means a use providing care for nine or more children in facilities
licensed under the provincial Child Care Licensing Regulation.
ASSISTED LIVING, REGISTERED, means housing and care that is registered under the
Community Care and Assisted Living Act which provides hospitality and personal care
services under the Act.
AUTOBODY REPAIR means the repair of motor vehicles that have been damaged in
accidents or that are being restored and can include the painting of motor vehicles.
Partial information only. Refer to
City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw.
AVERAGE BUILDING GRADE means the mathematical average of the elevation measured
from the lower of natural grade or finished grade at each of the four outermost exterior
corners of a building and any attached enclosed structure.
AVERAGE SLOPE means the slope within the building siting area.
AWNING means a weather protection device composed of non-rigid materials supported
entirely from the exterior wall of a building by a fixed or retractable frame, and where at
least 80 percent of the length of the awning projects a minimum of one metre from the
face of a building.
BEDROOM means a room within a dwelling unit intended or likely to be used for sleeping
BELOW-MARKET RENTAL UNIT means a dwelling unit in a purpose-built rental for which the
rent charged is at least 25% below market rent, as secured by a housing agreement or
registered covenant.
BEVERAGE CONTAINER RETURN CENTRE means a use providing for the collection, sorting,
preparation for shipping and temporary storage of empty beverage containers, and the
dispensing of deposit refunds; excludes processing or recyclable material other than the
compaction of glass containers.
BICYCLE PARKING, LONG-TERM means a bicycle parking space for employees or residents of
the building.
BICYCLE PARKING, SHORT-TERM means a bicycle parking space for visitors or patrons of the
BOARDING means the rental and occupation of a sleeping unit which is attached to or part
of a dwelling unit, either with common cooking facilities, or where regular meals are
provided; includes bed and breakfast accommodation.
BUILDING means a structure wholly or partly enclosed by a roof supported by air, walls or
columns, and used for the shelter or accommodation of persons, animals, chattels or
things; excludes tents and recreational vehicles.
BUILDING BYLAW means the City of Coquitlam Bylaw No. 3598, 2003 as amended or
superseded from time to time.
BUILDING INSPECTOR means the General Manager Planning and Development or his duly
authorized designate.
BUILDING SITING AREA means the area of a lot contained within the required setbacks.
Partial information only. Refer to
City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw.
BUSINESS means carrying on a commercial or industrial undertaking of any kind or nature
or the providing or professional, personal or other services for the purpose of gain or
BUSINESS AND HOUSEHOLD SERVICE means an establishment intended to serve the daily
or occasional needs of businesses or households, including appliance rental or repair
shops, furniture repair and upholstering shops, office equipment repair shops,
photocopying and printing shops, and similar establishments; excludes autobody repair.
BYLAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER means any person appointed by Council from time to time
to enforce the City’s Bylaws.
CANNABIS PROCESSING means the indoor manufacturing, testing, or research of cannabis
or cannabis products, and may include storage, packaging, and wholesaling distribution of
cannabis products, as permitted under the Cannabis Act (S.C. 2018, c. 16) as amended
from time to time, but excludes cannabis production, cannabis retail.
CANNABIS PRODUCTION means the indoor growth, cultivation, or production of cannabis,
and may include related operations such as drying and curing, storage, packaging, and
wholesaling distribution of raw cannabis material, as permitted under the Cannabis Act
(S.C. 2018, c. 16) as amended from time to time, but excludes cannabis processing,
cannabis retail.
CANNABIS RETAIL means the sale of cannabis, including any products containing cannabis,
for personal use, as permitted under the Cannabis Control and Licensing Act (SBC 2018, c. 29)
as amended from time to time.
CANOPY means a weather protection device composed of rigid materials supported
entirely from the exterior wall of a building by a fixed frame and where at least 80 percent
of the length of the canopy projects a minimum of one metre from the face of a building.
CARRIAGE HOUSE means an accessory dwelling unit located primarily above a detached
accessory off-street parking structure that is subordinate to the principal building in terms
of size, scale and massing, with a separate entrance directly from the exterior and all floor
area at or above finished grade.
CASINO GAMING means a use involving games chance as permitted by the Gaming Control
Act pursuant to the Criminal Code (Canada).
CHARACTER STREET means a street frontage delineated as such in the Citywide Official
Community Plan and along which development will be encouraged to provide a
continuous, active, ground-oriented commercial, civic, or assembly storefront façade or
Partial information only. Refer to
City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw.
CHEQUE CASHING BUSINESS means an establishment, other than a bank or credit union
that cashes cheque in exchange for a fee or percentage of the cheque’s face value, or
offers loans or advances in contemplation of a future wage or paycheque to be received.
CHILD CARE means a use providing care for eight or fewer children in facilities licensed
under the provincial Child Care Licensing Regulation.
CITY means the City of Coquitlam, a corporation under the Local Government Act, or the
area incorporated as the City of Coquitlam, as the context requires.
CIVIC means a use providing for community or educational functions, including primary or
secondary schools, post-secondary institutions, hospitals, community centres, courts, police
stations, jails, libraries, museums, parks, playgrounds, cemeteries, highways, works yards
and waterways.
COMMERCIAL means a use of providing for the sale, rental or repair of goods or provision
of services to a person, business or household; excludes service station use.
COMMERICAL KITCHEN means a commercial use providing for the preparation of food or
beverages for consumption off-premises only, which does not offer sales or service to
patrons on the premises, and which may be used by catering services, online restaurants,
and similar uses.
COMMERCIAL RECREATION means a use within an enclosed building for sports and active
recreation where patrons are predominantly participants and any spectators are
incidental, including athletic clubs, dance studios, health and fitness clubs, racquet clubs,
martial arts studios, and similar uses.
COMMERCIAL SCHOOL means educational facilities that provide instruction in language,
religion, the arts, athletics, business, self-improvement, or academics and which may
include a trade school but excludes primary or secondary schools and post-secondary
COMMON AMENITY AREA means an outdoor or indoor area specifically designed for use by
all residents living on site for cultural, social and recreational activities.
COMMUNITY CARE USE means a use providing for the care of persons in premises licensed
or registered under the Community Care and Assisted Living Act excluding those uses
licensed under the Child Care Licensing Regulation to that Act.
CONCEALED PARKING means an off-street parking use located under cover below the grade
of the site, or located within a principal building.
Partial information only. Refer to
City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw.
CONGREGATE HOUSING AND CARE means an accessible residential multiple-family building
which contains two or more Licensed Residential Care units, Assisted Living units or
Supportive Housing units which are supplemented by communal dining facilities, and/or
housekeeping or personal care services.
CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT means equipment typically associated with construction and
other trades, and includes, but is not limited to, backhoes, excavators, flatbed trucks, tow
trucks and other construction or commercial trades vehicles or equipment.
CONTRACTOR SERVICE means a use that provides for building and road construction
services including landscaping, concrete, logging, electrical, excavation, drilling, carpentry,
drywall, flooring, roofing, heating, and plumbing or similar services of construction nature
which require on-site storage and/or warehouse space.
CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE means a controlled substance as defined and described in the
Federal Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, R.S.C. 1996, c.19 (Canada).
CONVENIENCE RETAIL means the sale of goods often acquired on a daily basis and includes
snack foods and candy, non-alcoholic beverages, prepared and fresh foods, personal care
items, tobacco products, flowers, magazines and newspapers, seasonal items such as
Christmas trees, and similar items.
COOKING FACILITIES means any electronic, electrical gas, mechanical or manual
equipment by which food of any sort can be cooked, heated, steamed or baked and
including, without limitation, conventional ovens, microwaves, convection ovens, toaster
ovens, cook tops, hot plates, camping stoves, barbecues, crock pots and electric frying
pans, rice cookers, woks, grills and griddles, but excludes an electric kettle that can be
used for heating water.
COUNCIL means the Council of the City of Coquitlam.
CRAWL SPACE means the space between the underside of the floor system above and the
ground surface or slab below, having a maximum vertical distance not exceeding 1.2
DENSITY means a measurement of development intensity on a lot which can be measured
either by dwelling units per hectare, by the ratio of gross floor area or floor area, to lot area.
DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA means an area of land designated as a development permit
area in Official Community Plans or other Council policies, as amended from time to time.
DRIVE-THROUGH means an establishment where customers are provided with a good or
service without leaving their vehicles, typically through a staffed window or automated
Partial information only. Refer to
City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw.
DUPLEX RESIDENTIAL means a residential use in which a principal building is used for two
principal dwelling units.
DWELLING UNIT means one or more rooms which comprise of a self-contained
housekeeping unit with a separate entrance, used or intended to be used as a domicile by
one or more persons and usually containing one kitchen, living, sleeping and sanitary
ELECTRIC VEHICLE means a vehicle that uses electricity for propulsion, and that can use an
external source of electricity to charge the vehicle’s batteries.
ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING SERVICE means an accessory commercial use providing the
retail sale of electricity for electric vehicle charging using Level 2 Charging or Level 3
Charging but does not include electric vehicle charging infrastructure as required under
Section 714.
ELECTRIC VEHICLE ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM means a system that controls the
process of connecting, disconnecting, increasing and reducing electric power to electric
vehicle supply equipment loads, and which system may be comprised of one or more
monitors, communications equipment, controllers, timers and other applicable devices.
ELECTRIC VEHICLE SUPPLY EQUIPMENT means a complete assembly consisting of
conductors, connectors, devices, apparatus, and fitting installed specifically for the
purpose of power transfer and information exchange between a branch electric circuit
and an electric vehicle.
ELECTRIC CONNECTION FACILITY means a use providing for the collection of electronic
equipment (limited to products specified in the Recycling Regulation under the
Environmental Management Act, as amended), sorting, preparation for shipment and
temporary storage of electronic equipment, and the associated administrative functions;
excludes processing of dismantling of any kind.
ELECTRONIC GAMING means a game of chance or skill played on electronic gambling
device, computer or machine as regulated by the B.C. Gaming Policy and Enforcement
Branch, but excludes lottery games offered at retail points of sale as regulated by the B.C.
Lottery Corporation.
EMERGENCY SHELTER means a facility offering temporary overnight accommodation at no
EMPLOYMENT LIVING UNIT means space within a building or structure that can
accommodate a permitted commercial use within an at-grade unit, a permitted residential
use within an at-grade unit or combination of the two.
Partial information only. Refer to
City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw.
ENCLOSED BALCONY means an external platform or patio which is enclosed by a fully
transparent and retractable system above the level of its protective rail or wall, and below
any roof feature, as regulated under Section 529.
ENERGIZED OUTLET means a connected point in an electrical wiring installing at which
current is taken to supply utilization equipment.
ENTERTAINMENT FACILITY means movie theatres, billiard and pool halls, bowling alleys
and similar facilities.
ESCORT SERVICE means any person carrying on the business of providing or furnishing
escorts or partners for social occasions.
EXOTIC DANCING means live entertainment involving any exposure for the genitals, pubic
region, buttocks, anus, or female breast below the top of the areola, of any person.
EXTENSIVE RECREATION means a use providing for extensive open-air recreation facilities
and the minor retail sales and services reasonably incidental to such facilities; includes
drive-in theatres, driving ranges, firing ranges, golf courses, marinas, racetracks, ski
facilities, sports clubs and stadiums.
EXTERIOR CLADDING means those components of a building which are applied to the
exterior sheathing and are exposed to the outdoor environment to provide protection
against wind, water and vapour. For purposes of this Bylaw, exterior cladding may include
cladding materials, exterior insulation, vapour barriers and vented air cavities.
EXTERIOR LOT CORNER means the point of intersection of the exterior side lot line and the
front lot line.
EXTERIOR SHEATHING means an exterior wall system that achieves structural building
support without the application of an applied exterior cladding. For purposes of this Bylaw,
exterior sheathing may be comprised of solid construction material (e.g. concrete, plywood
or wood composite) plus either embedded or exterior insulation. Interior finishing walls
and interior insulation shall not be considered part of the exterior sheathing.
EXTERIOR SIDE LOT LINE means the lot line of a corner lot extending from the front lot line
to the rear lot line and adjacent a street. Where the lot is a strata lot, the exterior side lot
line is defined by roadway instead of street.
FAMILY means two or more persons related by blood, marriage, common-law relationship,
adoption or foster parenthood.
Partial information only. Refer to
City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw.
FENCE means a structure, not being a building, intended for the purpose of total or partial
physical and/or visual separation or enclosure of a property or portion thereof; includes a
wall, not being part of a building, intended for the purpose of total or partial physical
and/or visual separation or enclosure of a property, does not include retaining wall.
Materials used to construct a fence are limited to wood, masonry materials (excluding
poured concrete), metal pre-cast manufactured perforated or decorative concrete blocks
or panels, and any combination thereof.
FINISHED GRADE means the elevation of the ground at any point adjoining each exterior
wall of a building or structure.
FINISHED GROUND ELEVATION means the elevation of the ground at the four outermost
exterior walls of a building or structure.
FIRE CHIEF means the Fire Chief appointed by Council from time to time.
FLOOR AREA means the sum of the areas of each floor of a building or that portion of the
area of the floor of a building, as identified elsewhere in this Bylaw measured to the
exterior sheathing of the building or the centerline of the demising wall, excluding
completely enclosed and covered garbage and recycling facilities.
FLOOR AREA RATIO, in the RTM-1 zone means the figure obtained by dividing the floor area
(except that floor area will include concealed parking in the dwelling) by the lot area.
FOURPLEX RESIDENTIAL means a residential use in which a principal building is used for four
principal dwelling units.
FRONT LOT LINE means the lot line or lines common to the lot and a fronting street, or
where there is more than one fronting street, the lot line or lines common to either one of
the fronting streets; for a panhandle-shaped lot, the lot line which is the rear lot line of the
lot adjacent to the panhandle portion, is considered to be the front lot line. Where the lot
is a strata lot, the front line is defined by a roadway instead of a fronting street.
GARDEN COTTAGE means an accessory dwelling unit in a single storey building on a lot that
is detached from the principal building and is subordinate to the principal building in terms
of size, scale, and massing.
Engineering and Public Works appointed by Council from time to time.
and Development appointed by Council from time to time.
GOLF COURSE USE means golf courses and all uses normally associated with golf courses.
Partial information only. Refer to
City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw.
GROCERY STORE means a business that retails groceries, including dairy products, produce,
preserved and prepared foods, meat, fish, non-alcoholic beverages, baked goods,
household supplies, and similar items; excludes alcoholic beverages.
GROCERY STORE WITH WINE ON THE SHELF means a business that retails groceries,
including dairy products, produce, preserved and prepared foods, meat, fish, non-alcoholic
beverages, baked goods, household supplies, and similar items; excludes alcoholic
beverages except for the sale of wine products (including cider, mead and sake) for off-site
consumption, with a wine-on-the-shelf model, as licensed by the Liquor and Cannabis
Regulation Branch (LCRB).
GROSS FLOOR AREA means the total area of all enclosed floors in each building on a lot
measured to the exterior sheathing of the building, excluding:
(1) concealed parking areas;
(2) long-term bicycle parking;
(3) parts of the building below finished grade elevation that are not habitable rooms;
(4) areas used for common maintenance, mechanical, or electrical purposes;
(5) racking systems that do not increase building occupancy load;
(6) common amenity areas;
(7) completely enclosed and covered garbage and recycling facilities; and
(8) enclosed balconies.
GROSS VEHICLE WEIGHT RATING means the weight indicated on a motor vehicle, as
required by a license under the Commercial Transport Act or Motor Vehicle Act, as the
case may be.
HABITABLE ROOM means a room used for cooking, eating, sleeping or human occupancy;
excludes bathroom, utility room, workroom, furnace room, crawl space, garage and
storage room.
HEIGHT means the vertical distance from the average building grade to the top of the
parapet for flat roofs, defined as having a pitch of less than 3 in 12 covering at least 80%
of all roof surfaces as measured in plan view, or to the uppermost peak for sloped roofs, as
shown in the following diagram:
HOSPITAL means a non-profit institution that provides medical care to sick, injured or
infirm patients, as regulated in the Hospital Act.
Partial information only. Refer to
City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw.
INDUSTRIAL means a use providing for the manufacturing, processing, fabricating,
assembling, storing, transporting, distributing, wholesaling, testing, servicing, repairing,
wrecking, recycling or salvaging of goods, materials or things for direct use or resale to
individual business customers, and not for the general public.
INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT means machinery equipment, or vehicles exceeding a gross
vehicle weight rating of 4,500 kilograms, all of which are typically used in construction,
manufacturing assembling and processing operations or agricultural production.
INDUSTRIAL OFFICE means a use in which business, clerical, or professional activities are
conducted in an Industrial and Enterprise zone, limited to the following uses: architectural
and engineering services, data processing and related services, janitorial services,
laboratories, labour organization, scientific and technical research, development and test
facilities, and security guard and patrol services.
INTERIOR SIDE LOT LINE means the lot line or lines, not being the front or rear lot line,
common to more than one lot or to the lot and a lane.
KITCHEN means a room used for the preparation, cooking or eating of food and containing
cooking facilities, a sink, upper and lower cabinetry and ventilation for the cooking
LANDSCAPE SCREEN means a barrier composed of a continuous row of shrubs, trees,
compact evergreen hedges or any combination thereof.
LANE means a highway that is not primarily used for general traffic circulation and the
right-of-way is narrower than a street.
LEVEL 2 CHARGING means a Level 2 electric vehicle charging level as defined by SAE
International’s J1772 standard.
LEVEL 3 CHARGING means an electric vehicle charging level that uses a direct current
connection to an electrical system for rapid recharging of electric vehicles.
LICENSE INSPECTOR means the License Inspector appointed by Council from time to time.
LICENSED RESIDENTIAL CARE means housing and care that is licensed under the
Community Care and Assisted Living Act which provides continuous profession care for
LIQUOR MANUFACTURING means the manufacturing of alcoholic beverages that are
subject to the BC Liquor Control and Licensing Act and its regulations.
Partial information only. Refer to
City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw.
LIQUOR PRIMARY ESTABLISHMENT means a business licensed as a liquor primary
establishment by the BC Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch, including bars, pubs, and
night clubs; excludes social halls, stadiums and other businesses that are licensed to serve
alcohol on an occasional or accessory basis.
LIQUOR STORE means a use where the retail sale of alcoholic beverages for off-site
consumption is the principal use and is licensed under the Liquor Control and Licensing
Act; may contain beverage container return centre as an accessory use when contained
wholly within a building.
LOCK-OFF UNIT means an accessory dwelling unit contained within a strata-titled dwelling
unit in an apartment or a townhouse that:
(1) is not less than 29 m
and not more than 35 percent of the gross floor area of the
dwelling unit in which it is located;
(2) is not a separate strata lot;
(3) contains a secondary kitchen area with a range or microwave oven and built-in
cooktop, refrigerator, sink, counter, cabinets and venting, at least one closet, and a
bathroom with a toilet, sink and bathtub or shower;
(4) is wired for independent telecommunications connection prior to occupancy and
remains so;
(5) is separated by a lockable access door from the main dwelling unit and can be
connected directly to the main dwelling unit by opening the access door; and
(6) has a separate lockable entrance door providing direct access to the exterior of the
main dwelling unit.
LOT means any parcel, block or other area in which land is held or into which land is
subdivided, including a strata lot as defined.
LOT AREA means the total horizontal area within the property lines of a lot; except that:
(1) in the RM-1 zone, lot area means the total area of a lot plus one-half of adjacent
streets, lanes, and dedicated public parks to a maximum of 13.5 metres, minus land
covered by a natural body of water as defined by land survey, and land in
easement for electrical or gas transmission lines, except where such easement is
upon dedicated public park, multiplied by 75%. However, in no case shall the lot
area be less than the area contained within the legal lot lines of a property minus
land covered by natural body of water as defined by land survey, and land in
easement for electrical or gas transmission lines; and in all zones, where a lot is
affected by more than one zone designation, the portion within each zone
designation is to be determined separately as the applicable lot area for each
affected portion.
(2) in the RT-2 zone, lot area means the area of the lot minus land covered by natural
body of water, as defined by its high water mark, land below the edge of a ravine,
as defined by land survey, and land is easement for electrical or gas transmission
Partial information only. Refer to
City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw.
(3) to determine lot area for the purpose of calculating density for properties requiring
road dedication and zoned or rezoning to an Infill Residential zone, Apartment
Residential zone, and/or Commercial zone, refer to Section 517 (2) of this Bylaw.
LOT COVERAGE means the area covered by buildings and structures as measured from the
outermost walls and/or supporting columns expressed as a percentage of the lot area.
LOT SIZE means the amount of land occupied by one lot on a plan of subdivision or
registered Land Title Certificate and may be measured by area, width, depth or any
combination thereof.
LOT WIDTH means:
(1) on a rectangular lot, the horizontal distance between side lot lines measured at
the front lot line; and
(2) on an irregularly shaped lot, the sufficient area to permit a rectangular-shaped
first floor of a principle building, having not less than 100 m
in area, a length of
not less than 7.5 metres on one side, and meeting the setback requirements of this
Bylaw as shown in the following diagram
except that, to determine lot width for properties requiring road dedication and
zoned or rezoning to RT-1, refer to Section 517 (3) of this Bylaw.
MANAGER FINANCIAL SERVICES means the Manager Financial Services appointed by Council
from time to time.
MANDATORY COMMERCIAL STREET FRONTAGE means a street frontage delineated as such
in an Official Community Plan and along which development will provide a continuous,
active, ground-oriented commercial, civic or assembly façade or street-wall.
MASSAGE PARLOUR means a business that will offer massage or body rub services, or
either of them, to be performed by one or more individuals who are not registered
massage therapists in the Province of British Columbia.
MEDICAL HEALTH OFFICER means the Medical Health Officer as appointed from time to
time by the appropriate health authority.
Partial information only. Refer to
City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw.
MINI-WAREHOUSE means a completely enclosed building or series of completely enclosed
buildings that include separate storage units which are rented to customers having
exclusive and independent access to their respective units for the storage of residential,
recreational or commercial goods and includes the accessory sale of packing supplies.
MOBILE HOME means a structure manufactured as a unit, intended to be occupied in a
place other than at its manufacturer, and designed as a dwelling unit.
MOBILE HOME PARK mean a use providing for the accommodation of persons in two or
more mobile homes, and includes permitted sales.
MOBILE HOME SPACE means an area of land designated for the installation of one mobile
home with permissible additions and situated within a mobile home park.
MODULAR CONTAINER means a purpose-designed container for holding of goods, which is
intended to be placed on a ship, truck or railcar.
MOTOR VEHICLE SALES AND SERVICE means the sale, lease or rental of automobiles,
recreational vehicles, boats, trailers and similar conveyances, the accessory retail sale of
motor vehicle parts and accessories, and motor vehicle maintenance and minor repairs;
excludes autobody repair.
MULTIPLEX RESIDENTIAL means a residential use that includes three or more principal
dwelling units on a lot in attached, detached or semi-detached forms; excludes apartment,
townhouse, fourplex residential and triplex residential.
NATURAL GRADE with reference to residential development in established
neighbourhoods where the majority of lots have been developed with one- or two-family
housing for more than 4 years at the date of adoption by Bylaw 2418, 1992 and not
requiring subdivision, means the undisturbed ground level or elevations as determined by
a registered land surveyor on a lot at each of the points used in calculating the average
building grade; whereas in reference to residential development within areas which
require subdivision, NATURAL GRADE means the elevations shown on the grading plan for
the subdivision.
NEIGHBOURHOOD ATTACHED RESIDENTIAL means the “Neighbourhood Attached
Residential” land use designation as established in the City of Coquitlam’s Citywide Official
Community Plan Bylaw No. 3479, 2001 as amended or superseded from time to time.
NON-ACCESSORY OFF-STREET PARKING means use providing for a “stand-alone” parking lot
and/or structure for temporary parking needs not accessory to a use.
NON MARKET HOUSING means self-contained, independent, living dwelling units targeted
to low and moderate income households such as housing co-operatives and seniors and
family non profit projects.
Partial information only. Refer to
City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw.
OFFICE means a use in which business, clerical, financial or professional activities are
conducted that do not include the sale of goods from the premises and includes industrial
offices, but excludes personal service uses.
OFF-STREET PARKING means a use providing parking spaces for temporary storage of
vehicles not on a public street or right-of-way, and includes accessory off-street-parking
and non-accessory off-street parking.
ONE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL means a residential use in which the building on a lot is used for
one dwelling unit; may also contain a secondary suite.
OUTERMOST BUILDING FACE means a vertical plane parallel to a property line and passing
through those points of the exterior wall of a building that are closest to the property line.
The wall establishing the outermost building face must be that wall of the building closest
to the property line and must be situated entirely within the building siting area.
PARKING SPACE means a space within a building or a parking area for the parking of one
vehicle, excluding driveways, ramps, columns, office and work areas.
PAWN means the deposit of property as a pledge or collateral security for a debt.
PAWNBROKER/PAWNSHOP means an establishment that carries on the trade or business of
taking goods and chattels in pawn, or who keeps a store, shop or other premise for the
purpose of carrying on such trade or business.
PERIMETER WALL AREA means the total area of exterior walls facing in one direction
measured from the finished grade to the underside of the eaves. Walls or portions of walls
situated within an angle of 45 degrees (in plan or vertical section view) from a wall
forward of the wall or portion of wall under consideration must not be included in the
calculation of perimeter wall area shown in the following diagram.
= Excluded
Partial information only. Refer to
City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw.
PERIMETER WALL HEIGHT means the vertical distance measured at and up the wall
establishing the outermost building face, from the lower of natural grade or finished grade
to the top of the roof surface of the building. Gable ends and decks (located entirely within
the building siting area) must not be included in the calculation of the average perimeter
wall height. For the purposes of the definition of perimeter wall height:
(1) a plane defined by a vertical face of a roofed porch or enclosed deck must be
considered a wall, and
(2) an enclosing element of a crawl space or basement must not be considered a wall
unless such crawl space or basement is surmounted by a storey.
PERSON means any legal entity and includes an individual, firm, society, cooperative,
association, organization, partnership, trust company or corporation.
PERSONAL HEALTH CARE means the provision of health care services to a person and
includes medical clinics, dentistry, optometry, chiropractics, acupuncture, physiotherapy,
naturopathy, massage therapy, pharmacies, and similar services; excludes hospitals,
private hospital and massage parlour.
PERSONAL SERVICE means a commercial use that provides services to a person or their
personal property and includes hair stylists; aestheticians, including permanent and semi-
permanent makeup tattoos; dry cleaners and laundromats; shoe and jewelry repair;
tailors; veterinary service; personal health care; and similar services but excludes tattoo
PET CARE SERVICE means a facility for non-veterinary services for domestic animals, such
as animal day care, overnight lodging, grooming, and pet training services; excludes
animal breeding.
POST-SECONDARY INSTITUTION means an educational institution authorized by the
College and Institute Act or the University Act, or other post-secondary institution
authorized by a Provincial statute.
PRIMARY OR SECONDARY SCHOOL means an educational institute regulated under the
School Act or the Independent School Act, providing academic instruction generally to
children between 5 and 18 years old, and may include a boarding school.
PRINCIPAL BUILDING means a building that accommodates the principal use of a site, and
may accommodate one or more accessory uses.
PRINCIPAL USE means the main purpose for which land, buildings or structures are used.
PRIORITY UNIT TYPES means below-market rental units, non market housing rental units,
accessible residential rental dwelling units and three-plus bedroom rental units.
Partial information only. Refer to
City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw.
PRIVATE HOSPITAL means a use providing housing and medical care of sick, injured or
infirm patients as regulated in the Hospital Act; includes seniors’ housing facilities and
convalescent homes.
PUBLIC SERVICE means a use providing for the servicing of the City, where such use is
established by the City, by another government body, or by a corporation or company
operating under the Utilities Commissions Act, includes broadcasting transmission
PURPOSE-BUILT RENTAL means a building containing four or more dwelling units that is
purposely designed and built to provide a rental form of accommodation that is
affordable and that is subject to a housing agreement or registered covenant that requires
that the dwelling units only be rented, and not individually sold or transferred, during the
life of the building.
REAR LOT LINE means the lot line opposite to and most distant from the front lot line or,
where the rear portion of the lot is bounded by intersecting side lot lines, is deemed to be
the point of such intersection.
REAR YARD means the portions of a lot located between the rear lot line and the
outermost projection of the rear walls of a principal building and extends across the full
width of the lot.
RECREATIONAL VEHICLE means a temporary living accommodation for travel or
recreational purposes and includes motor home, camper, travel trailer, tent trailer or boat
but excludes a mobile home.
RECYCLING DEPOT means a facility used for collecting, sorting and redistributing
recyclable materials.
RESIDENTIAL FLOOR AREA means the sum of the internal private floor areas within the
dwelling units in all buildings on a lot; includes areas occupied by internal walls and
partitions within a dwelling unit; excludes balconies, common stairwells, common
corridors, cellars, concealed parking areas and common recreation or service facilities.
RESIDENTIAL SALES USE means a commercial use for the marketing of residential
developments or residential land.
RESIDENTIAL USE means a use providing for the accommodation and home life of one or
more persons, including activities customarily incidental to the accommodation and home
life of a person, including horticulture, recreation, storage, and the keeping of three or
fewer animals as household pets that are normally kept within a dwelling unit and are not
kept for financial gain; excludes repairing or salvaging and using parts of a motor vehicle
owned by a person not residing in a dwelling unit on the same lot, or tourist
accommodation, private hospital or assembly uses.
Partial information only. Refer to
City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw.
RESOURCE means a use providing for the conservation, management and extraction of
primary forest, mineral and other resource materials; includes the preliminary grading,
cutting or crushing of those materials for shipment, and the accessory storage of motor
vehicles and equipment; excludes the storage of derelict motor vehicles, scrap or junk,
manufacturing of any product, or any processing not specifically included.
RESTAURANT means a use providing for the sale of prepared food or beverages on the
premises for on-site and/or off-site consumption; includes family restaurants, fast-food
establishments, cafes, coffee shops, and food-primary licensees but excludes the retail
sale of alcoholic beverages for off-site consumption.
RETAIL – GENERAL means the sale or rental of goods for business or household use,
including stationery and other office supplies, equipment, appliances, interior decoration,
electronics, flooring, furniture, garden supplies and machinery, hardware, kitchenware,
lighting, plumbing, paint, heating and mechanical systems, hot tubs and pools, seasonal
items such as Christmas trees, and similar items; excludes wholesale sales.
RETAIL – PERSONAL GOODS means the sale or rental of goods intended for personal use,
and includes books, clothing, footwear, hardware, jewelry, musical instruments, portable
electronics, pets, personal care items, sporting goods, stationery supplies, toys, and similar
items; excludes wholesale sales.
ROADWAY means a driveway which is not a street or lane over a lot or a portion of
common property on which an access route is located in a bare land strata plan.
(1) previously used ferrous metal made principally of iron, steel, or tin;
(2) previously used non-ferrous metal including all metal or alloy that is generally free
of iron and includes, copper, brass, bronze, aluminum, zinc, magnesium, lead, and
SCRAP METAL DEALER means any person licensed pursuant to the City’s Business License
Bylaw, in force from time to time, to carry on the business of selling, purchasing, or
otherwise dealing in scrap metal.
SECONDARY ACTIVE STREET FRONTAGE means a street frontage delineated as such in an
Official Community Plan and along which development will provide a continuous, active,
ground-oriented commercial, residential, or civic façade or street-wall.
SECONDARY SUITE means an accessory dwelling unit contained within a building of
residential occupancy containing only one principal dwelling unit.
SERVICE STATION means a commercial use providing for motor vehicle fueling or electric
vehicle charging service, or both; may include the retail sale of automobile accessories, car
wash and vacuum stations, and the rental of trailers and motor vehicles as accessory uses
on the lot.
Partial information only. Refer to
City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw.
SLEEPING UNIT means one or more rooms containing no cooking facilities or sink, used for
the lodging of persons.
SPECIAL EVENT means a circus, concert, temporary amusement park, show, farmers
market, cultural festival or other itinerant show or entertainment on City property for
which a valid Facility Use License has been issued by the City’s Parks, Recreation and
Culture Department.
SPECIAL EVENT VENDING BUSINESS means a business offering for sale goods or services
during a special event.
STOREY means that portion of a building which is situated between the top of any floor
and the top of the floor next above it, and if there is no floor above it, that portion
between the top of such floor and the ceiling above it; excludes a basement and cellar.
STRATA LOT means a lot shown on a strata plan.
STRATEGIC HOUSING means specials needs or affordable housing as contemplated under
Section 482 of the Local Government Act and includes purpose-built rental.
STREET means a highway that is used for general traffic circulation, excludes lanes.
STREET-ORIENTED VILLAGE HOME RESIDENTIAL use means a residential use consisting of
one dwelling unit per principal building vertically attached by party walls to one or more
principal building/s with each individual principal building located on a separate lot
(including a strata lot) abutting a street and a lane; except that in the case of special needs
and/or affordable housing on a site or sites owned by the City of Coquitlam and/or a
registered non-profit agency, each principal building may contain more than one dwelling
STRUCTURE means any construction fixed to, supported by or sunk into land or water.
STUDIO DWELLING UNIT means a dwelling unit containing one habitable room plus kitchen
facilities and a bathroom.
SUBDIVISION means the division of land into one or more parcels by plan, descriptive
words, or other under the Strata Property Act or Land Title Act.
and Development Servicing Bylaw No. 3558, 2003 as amended or superseded from time to
SUPPORTIVE HOUSING means housing that is designed to be accessible, in which housing
and a range of hospitality services are provided by or through the operator and any
personal care for residents is provided by someone other than the operator.
Partial information only. Refer to
City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw.
TANDEM PARKING means two parking spaces, where one parking space is placed behind
another parking space, such that one parking space has unobstructed access to a drive
aisle, driveway, lane, roadway, or street.
TATTOO PARLOUR means an establishment in the business of creating permanent tattoos
for decorative purposes but does not mean aestheticians who provide permanent and
semi-permanent makeup services.
TEMPORARY BUILDING means a building which is used for specified period of time, at the
end of such time the building can be removed from the lot.
THIRD PARTY HOUSING PARTNER means an entity that has entered into an agreement with
the City and a developer of rental housing units to provide resources dedicated to
managing the units.
THREE-PLUS BEDROOM RENTAL UNIT means a dwelling unit in a purpose-built rental that
contains three or more bedrooms.
TOURIST ACCOMMODATION means a use providing for the accommodation of the
transient public in individual dwelling units, or sleeping units, or providing space for
recreational vehicles or trailers for this accommodation, for a continuous duration of not
more than 60 days; may include accessory dining facilities, but excludes mobile homes.
TOWNHOUSE means a single building containing three or more dwelling units separated
one from another by party walls, where the units are side-by-side or stacked on top of
each other, with each dwelling unit having a separate, direct entrance to outside without
an enclosed common corridor and includes all row, linked, patio, garden, court or other
housing which meets such criteria; excludes multiplex residential, fourplex residential, and
triplex residential.
TRADE SCHOOL means a post- secondary commercial school in which a technical trade
related to construction, electronics, mechanical, transportation (automotive, marine or
aviation) or similar skilled trades is principally taught.
TRAILER means any vehicle, coach, house-car or conveyance designed and licensed to
travel on the highways, constructed or equipped to be used as temporary living or
sleeping quarters by travellers.
TRANSITIONAL HOUSING mean independent, temporary housing that provides support
services for people who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness.
TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT means the provision of continuous services or
facilities that reduce the demand for private vehicle use or an off-street parking space.
Partial information only. Refer to
City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw.
TRIPLEX RESIDENTIAL means a residential use in which a principal building is used for three
principal dwelling units.
TWO-FAMILY DWELLING means a single building containing two dwelling units, neither of
which is a secondary suite; and includes semi-detached houses only were joined by a
common wall which links contiguous habitable rooms.
UNDERGROUND PARKING means an off-street parking use contained within an
underground structure.
UNDERGROUND STRUCTURE means construction of any kind sunk into the ground and
which at no point projects above finished grade except at driveway and stairwell
entrances and except as permitted by this Bylaw.
USE means the purpose for which any lot, building or structure is designed, arranged or
intended, or for which it is occupied or maintained.
VETERINARY SERVICE means a facility for the care, examination, diagnosis and treatment
of sick, ailing, infirm or injured pets, including medical intervention and surgery,
radiography, anesthesia, and may include accessory short-term accommodation for sick,
ailing, infirm or injured pets, and the accessory retail sale of medicine and pet supplies, but
excludes animal breeding, pet care services and animal shelters.
WALL means any building element with a slope of 60 degrees or more to the horizontal;
excludes a wall which is utilized as a fence, or a retaining wall.
WHOLESALE SALES means the storage and sale of goods to a retailer or another wholesaler,
rather than to the end consumer or general public.
WINE STORE means a use where the retail sale of alcoholic beverages limited to wine for
off-site consumption is the principal use and is licensed under the Liquor Control and
Licensing Act.
202 Interpretation
(1) Gender/Number
Wherever the singular or masculine is used in this Bylaw, it includes the plural or the
feminine or body politic or corporate as the context or the parties so require.
(2) “Must” Imperative
In this Bylaw, “must” is to be constructed as imperative.
(3) Severability
In this part, section, subsection, paragraph or any other portion of this Bylaw is held to
be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the invalid portion must be severed
and the remainder of this Bylaw is deemed to have enacted without the invalid
Partial information only. Refer to
City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw.