701 This section is intended for use at a future date.
702 This section is intended for use at a future date.
703 Non-Conformity in Off-Street Parking or Loading Spaces
(1) A building or any portion of a building conforming as to use but lawfully non-
conforming as to required off-street parking or loading spaces may be occupied,
but must not be reconstructed, moved, or extended unless the required off-street
parking and off-street loading spaces are provided.
(2) Despite subsection (1):
(a) where a building has been lawfully constructed prior to the passage of this
bylaw, a new use of previously unoccupied floor space is permitted;
(b) a change of occupant or tenant to the same use requiring the same or
fewer off-street parking or loading spaces is permitted.
(3) No subdivision or other creation of a new lot line is permitted which would
increase the non-conformity as to off-street parking or loading spaces unless off-
street parking and loading spaces are provided in accordance with this Part, or
higher total numbers of parking and loading spaces are provided.
704 Location of Accessory Off-Street Parking
(1) Accessory off-street parking must be located:
(a) on the lot on which the principal use is located and on the lot on which a
secondary suite, carriage house or garden cottage is located; or
(b) on a lot which adjoins or has full or partial common frontage directly
across a street or lane from the lot on which the permitted use exists, as
long as the accessory off-street parking:
(i) is not located on a lot zoned for residential use under PART 9
through PART 13 of this Bylaw where the accessory off-street
parking is related to a permitted use in any commercial, industrial or
institutional zone;
(ii) is protected by a restrictive covenant in favour of the City that
ensures full compliance with all provisions of this Bylaw;
(iii) is not located across a highway under the jurisdiction of the
Provincial Ministry of Transportation; or
(c) on a lot administered by the City of Coquitlam on a basis acceptable to
Partial information only. Refer to
City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw
(2) Non-Accessory Off-Street Parking is only allowed where specifically permitted in a
zone or where it is administered by the City of Coquitlam on a basis acceptable to
705 Minimum Design Standards for Off-Street Parking
Reference section 707 in addition to the following regulations.
(1) Access to Parking
Off-street parking and accessory off-street parking must:
(a) have access which is approved by the General Manager Engineering and
Public Works;
(b) have an access or egress driveway:
(i) connected to a public street or lane; and
(ii) not less than 3.5 metres wide where it is used for one-way
vehicular traffic or for one-way vehicular traffic and a walkway,
and not less than 6.0 metres where it is used for two-way vehicular
(iii) except for required parking for a secondary suite, carriage house
and a garden cottage.
(2) Minimum Size of Spaces and Maneuvering Aisles
(a) Except where parking is accessory to a duplex, a detached duplex
residential, a carriage house, a garden cottage, a triplex residential and a
fourplex residential use, the parking spaces and maneuvering aisles must
have the following minimum lengths and widths within the lot lines:
Width of Length of
Parking Parking Parking Width of
Angle in Space Space Aisle in
Degrees in Metres in Metres Metres
90 2.9 5.8 6.1
90 2.7 5.8 6.7
90 2.6 5.8 7.3
60 2.7 5.8 5.5
45 2.7 5.8 3.9
30 2.7 5.8 3.3
180 (parallel) 2.7 7.0 3.6
Partial information only. Refer to
City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw
(b) The minimum parking space size for a one-family residential, duplex, a
detached duplex residential, a carriage house, a garden cottage, a triplex
residential and a fourplex residential use, shall be 2.6 metres wide and 5.8
metres long.
(c) where the parking angle is 60 degrees, 45 degrees, 30 degrees, or 180
degrees, the aisle width shown above is permitted only where the aisle is
for one-way traffic leading to a lane, street, or two-way maneuvering aisle;
otherwise, the minimum width required is 6.1 metres.
(d) notwithstanding (a) above, up to 30% of the accessory off-street parking
spaces or off-street parking spaces being provided on a lot may be for
small car parking on the condition that all small car spaces are signed or
marked for small car parking and comply with the following minimum
Width of Length of
Parking Parking Parking Width of
Angle Space Space Aisle
90° 2.7 m 5.0 m 6.1 m
90° 2.6 m 5.0 m 6.7 m
90° 2.5 m 5.0 m 7.3 m
60° 2.44 m 4.65 m 5.28 m (one way)
45° 2.6 m 5.0 m 3.9 m (one way)
(3) Additional Width by Wall
Where a parking space or maneuvering aisle abuts a wall along its side, the space or
aisle must be 0.3 metres wider than required under section 705(2)(a) or (b) or (c).
(4) Curb Stops
In a surface parking site, curb stops allowing a minimum 0.9 metre overhang must
be provided:
(a) for each non-parallel parking space, where the parking is on a site with a
grade which exceeds ten per cent;
(b) for each peripheral non-parallel parking space, where the parking use is on
a site with a grade which does not exceed ten per cent.
(5) Sidewalks and Curb Planters
In a planned shopping centre or wherever 100 or more parking spaces are provided,
the following must be provided at suitable locations:
(a) raised sidewalks not less than 2.1 metres in width where required for
pedestrian traffic; and
(b) curb planters.
Partial information only. Refer to
City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw
(6) Underground Parking Structure
Off-street parking and accessory off-street parking may be located within an
underground parking structure having a minimum unobstructed height as
regulated under the British Columbia Building Code.
(7) Screening of Underground Parking Structure
Where off-street parking or accessory off-street parking is located within an
underground structure, it must be effectively screened from view from the street,
nearby property, etc., except at driveway and stairwell entrances, by a landscape
screen, and in accordance with section 514(3).
(8) Surface of Parking Areas
(a) Each parking space and maneuvering aisle must be surfaced with asphalt,
concrete or similar pavement; except, another dust free surface material
may be used:
(i) where a professional engineer certifies that paving as described
above is impractical because of soil or drainage conditions, or both;
(iii) the surface is maintained to retain its dust-free nature at all times;
(iv) the parking area is graded and drained to properly dispose of
surface water.
(b) Accessory off-street parking for a secondary suite, a carriage house or a
garden cottage and driveway accesses exclusively for that space may be
surfaced with:
(i) asphalt, concrete, or concrete pavers or similar permeable
pavement; or
(ii) other surfaces provided that:
- the surface is compact, non-eroding and dust-free, and
- the surface is maintained to retain its dust-free nature at all
times, and
- the surface is graded and drained to properly dispose of surface
water, and
- the grade of the parking space does not exceed 10% across its
length or width.
(9) Marking of Parking Spaces
Each parking space must be clearly delineated by painted lines and each parking
space required by this bylaw for visitors must be clearly marked "VISITOR
(10) An off-street parking use on any lot shall include appropriate landscaping and
perimeter buffering.
Partial information only. Refer to
City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw
706 Number of Required Off-Street Parking Spaces
The minimum number of off-street parking spaces required for each building type or use is
as follows and must include spaces in Section 708.
When the number of required spaces results in a fractional space, any fraction less than
0.5 may be disregarded, and any fraction 0.5 or greater shall require one additional space.
When calculating parking spaces based on gross floor area, areas used for parking shall
not be included.
(1) Residential
(a) (i) One-family residential,
(ii) Duplex Residential,
detached duplex
2 spaces per dwelling unit
2 spaces per dwelling unit, of which a
maximum of 100% may be tandem parking
(iii) Triplex residential,
fourplex residential,
multiplex residential
(iv) Street-oriented village
home residential
2 spaces per dwelling unit, of which a
maximum of 100% may be tandem
parking spaces
2 spaces per dwelling unit, of which a
maximum of 33% may be tandem parking
(v) Townhouses 2 spaces per dwelling unit, of which a
maximum of 33% may be in tandem
parking spaces
Plus .20 spaces per dwelling unit
designated for visitors
(vi) Secondary suite 1 space per secondary suite, which may
not be tandem parking
(vii) Accessory one-family
1 space per dwelling unit
(viii) Carriage house or garden
1 space per dwelling unit, which may not
be tandem parking
(b) Apartment use, (except
purpose-built rental)
1 space per studio dwelling unit and
one-bedroom dwelling unit
1.5 spaces per dwelling unit with two or
more bedrooms
Plus 0.20 spaces per dwelling unit
designated for visitors
Apartment use, Townhouse use
located within the Evergreen
Line Core and Shoulder Station
areas, as defined by Schedule “O”
of this Bylaw
1 space per studio dwelling unit and
one-bedroom dwelling unit
1.35 spaces per dwelling unit with two or
more bedrooms
Plus 0.50 spaces per dwelling unit that
contains a lock-off unit
Plus .20 spaces per dwelling unit
designated for visitors
Partial information only. Refer to
City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw
(c) Dwelling units in non market 1 space per dwelling unit
housing developments and
below-market rental units Plus 0.20 spaces per dwelling unit
designated for visitors
Except: 0.75 spaces per dwelling unit
Dwelling units in non market
housing developments and below- Plus 0.50 spaces per dwelling unit that
market rental units located within contains a lock-off unit
the Evergreen Line Core and
Shoulder Station areas, as defined Plus 0.20 spaces per dwelling unit
By Schedule “O” of this Bylaw designated for visitors
(d) Mobile home park use 1.5 space per dwelling unit, one of which
one must be immediately adjacent to the
mobile home, or pad of the mobile home,
for which it is required
(e) Boarding Use 1 space for each sleeping unit
(f) Congregate Housing and Care 0.35 spaces for each Licensed
Use, Residential Care, Registered Assisted
Community Care use Living or Supportive Housing Unit
(g) Purpose-built rental (except 1.0 spaces per dwelling unit
for dwelling units in non
market housing developments Plus 0.20 spaces per dwelling unit
and below-market rental units designated for visitors
noted in (c) above) and expansion
of existing rental buildings
Purpose-built rental(except for 0.86 spaces per dwelling unit
dwelling units in non market
housing developments and below- Plus 0.50 spaces per dwelling unit that
market rental units noted in (c) contains a lock-off unit
above) and expansion of existing
rental buildings located within the Plus 0.20 spaces per dwelling unit
Evergreen Line Core and Shoulder designated for visitors
Station areas, as defined by
Schedule “O” of this Bylaw
(2) Commercial 1 space per 40 m
of gross floor area
(a) Grocery Stores with a gross 1 space per 30 m
of gross floor area
Floor area of more than
325 m
, and flea markets
(b) Mini-warehouses 1 space per 100 m
of gross floor area
(c) Public houses 1 space per 10 m
of gross floor area
Partial information only. Refer to
City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw
(d) Tourist Accommodation uses 1 space per sleeping unit, or dwelling unit
(e) Assembly uses permitted in 1 space per 30 m
of gross floor area
Commercial and Service
Commercial Zones
(i) Child-minding services, 1 space per 40 m
of gross floor area
schools, youth/senior
(ii) Casino Gaming 1 space per 10 m
of gross floor area
(f) Commercial and Civic uses 1 space per 45 m
permitted in the C-4 and C-7 floor area
zones (excludes: park use)
(g) Commercial uses permitted in 1 space per 100 m
of gross floor area
a Business (B) zone
(i) Commercial recreation, 1 space per 40 m
of gross floor area
grocery store, office,
restaurant, specialty
food retail
(h) Commercial uses permitted in 1 space per 100 m
of gross floor area
an Industrial (M) zone”
(3) Industrial 1 space per 100 m
of gross floor area
(4) Institutional
(a) Assembly use 1 space per 10 m
of gross floor area
(i) Child-minding services 1 space per staff member
youth/senior centres
(not located in
Commercial or Service
Commercial zones)
(ii) Places of worship 1 space per 20 m
of gross floor area
(b) Civic use 1 space per 40 m
of gross floor area
(c) Schools, public or private
(i) Kindergarten, 1 space for every 10 students of school
elementary and capacity
middle schools
(ii) Secondary school 1 space for every 7 students of school
(iii) Post-secondary school 1 space per 35 m
of gross floor area
Partial information only. Refer to
City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw
(d) Extensive recreation use
(i) Golf courses 10 spaces per hole
(ii) Golf driving ranges 1 space per driving tee
(iii) Marinas 1 space per two boat mooring berths
(iv) Sport clubs 1 space per 40 m
of gross floor area
(v) Stadium 1 space per 10 fixed seats
(e) Animal shelter 1 space per 40 m
of gross floor area
(f) Hospital 0.30 spaces per patient bed
(5) Medical Cannabis Grow Operation 1 space per 100 m
of gross floor area
707 Minimum Design Standards for Off-Street Parking for Persons with Disabilities
(1) Standards
Off-street parking spaces for persons with disabilities must be:
(a) provided with an access space of 1.3 metres in width adjacent to the off-
street parking space:
(i) where this additional width is adjacent to another off-street parking
space for persons with disabilities, the width may be shared between
the adjacent parking spaces for persons with disabilities.
(b) clearly marked by a painted wheelchair symbol on the pavement, and by
an erected vertical rectangular sign facing toward the parking space. The
vertical sign is to be of a size and design as regulated in the Motor Vehicle
(c) constructed and located so as to allow convenient access to the entrance
to the building or use for which the spaces are provided.
708 Number of Required Off-Street Parking Spaces for Persons with Disabilities
For the building or use classes listed under section 706 Commercial, and requiring 26 or
more off-street parking spaces, the following number of the required spaces must be
provided for persons with disabilities:
Required Spaces Spaces for Persons with Disabilities
26-75 1
76-125 2
126-200 3
over 200 3 spaces plus one space per
100 required spaces or portion
thereof, in excess of 200
Partial information only. Refer to
City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw
709 Minimum Standards for Off-Street Loading Spaces
Each off-street loading space must be:
(1) not less than 3.0 metres wide, 7.6 metres long, and 4.2 metres high; except that
where receipt or delivery of goods is by vehicles longer than 7.6 metres, each
loading space shall be at least as long as those vehicles;
(2) surfaced with asphalt, concrete or similar pavement; except, another dust free
material may be used where:
(a) a professional Engineer certifies that paving as described above is
impractical because of soil or drainage conditions, or both;
(b) the surface is maintained to retain its dust-free nature at all times; and the
parking area is graded and drained to properly dispose of surface water;
(3) provided with sufficient maneuvering space to avoid the necessity of using off-
street parking spaces, streets or lanes;
(4) sited at an elevation convenient to a major floor level of the building or to a utility
elevator serving each major floor, and to an adjoining exterior door; and
(5) located to allow for receipt or delivery of goods or materials by motor vehicles
without encroachment by the motor vehicle upon a street or lane while receiving
or delivering goods or materials.
710 Number of Required Accessory Off-Street Loading Spaces
(1) Required Off-Street Loading
At least one off-street loading space conveniently located to the building doors
must be provided for each building for commercial, industrial or apartment use;
except that, where two or more buildings for apartment use are located on one lot,
one off-street loading space must be provided for each 30 dwelling or sleeping
units or fraction of a unit.
(2) Exception
Despite subsection (1) above, an off-street loading space is not required for:
(a) a building for apartment use which has driveways and off-street parking
spaces provided adjacent to each dwelling unit;
Partial information only. Refer to
City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw
711 Off-Street Bicycle Parking
Off-street bicycle parking shall be provided as follows.
When the number of required spaces results in a fractional space, any fraction of 0.5 or
less may be disregarded, and any fraction greater than 0.5 shall require one additional
When calculating parking spaces based on gross floor area, areas used for parking shall
not be included.
Use Long-term (minimum)
Short-term (minimum)
Apartment, Townhouse
1.25 spaces per dwelling
6 spaces for each
apartment or townhouse
Congregate Housing, and
Care use, Community Care
0.05 spaces per Licensed
Residential Care, Registered
Assisted Living Unit or
Supportive Housing Unit
6 spaces for each
Congregate Housing or
Community Care use
For any building with
1000 m
or more of gross
floor area, 1 space per
1000 m
of gross floor
6 spaces for any building
with 1000 m
or more of
gross floor area
Tourist Accommodation
1 space per every 30
sleeping units, or dwelling
3 spaces for any building
with 1000 m
or more of
gross floor area
6 spaces for any building
with 1000 m
or more of
gross floor area
Schools, public or private
1 space for every 20
students of school capacity
6 spaces for any building
with 1000 m
or more of
gross floor area
Civic Uses
6 spaces for any building
with 1000 m
or more of
gross floor area
Partial information only. Refer to
City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw
712 Off-street Bicycle Parking Minimum Design Standards
(1) Parking Dimensions - Minimum dimensions for long-term bicycle parking and
short-term bicycle parking spaces must be provided as follows:
Access Aisle
Vertical Clearance
Minimum Length if
Placed Horizontally
Minimum Length if
Placed Vertically
1.2m 1.9m 0.6m 1.8m 1.0m
(2) Long-term Bicycle Parking
(a) Long-term bicycle parking must be provided in a secure bicycle storage area
which is accessible only to residents or employees of the building.
(b) Long-term bicycle parking must be provided inside a room, or secured
compound within a building, which contains bicycle racks, or provided in the
form of a bicycle locker.
(c) Long-term bicycle parking must be located in close proximity and with
convenient access to building entrances.
(d) Long-term bicycle parking spaces must be independently accessible.
(3) Short-term Bicycle Parking
(a) Short-term bicycle parking must be provided within 15 metres of a main
building entrance, and must be visible from the principal building entrance.
(b) Short-term bicycle parking spaces must be provided in racks, permanently
anchored to the ground or a permanent structure, and be well-lit.
713 Off-Street Parking Reductions for the Evergreen Line Core and Shoulder Station Areas
An owner of a lot located within the Evergreen Line Core and Shoulder Station areas, as
identified in Schedule “O” of this Bylaw, who applies for a building permit to construct or
add additional gross floor area to a building or structure for a commercial, apartment or
townhouse use which requires off-street parking spaces under Section 706, may opt to
reduce the number of required off-street parking spaces by providing the following:
(1) transportation demand management measures, as agreed upon and approved by
the General Manager Engineering and Public Works, to reduce up to a maximum of
five percent (5%) of the required off-street parking spaces, provided that:
(a) off-street parking spaces required for commercial, apartment visitor and
townhouse visitor uses within the same commercial or mixed-use
development site are shared and not reserved for specific users.
(2) payment in-lieu of parking for parking reductions greater than five percent (5%)
and up to a total of ten percent (10%) of the required off-street parking spaces, if
transportation demand management measures, as outlined in Sub-section (1),
have been secured, provided that:
Partial information only. Refer to
City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw
(b) where an owner opts to make payment in-lieu of parking, payment shall
be made to the City at a sum of $20,000 for each off-street parking space
that is required under Section 706, but which is not provided, and
(c) payment in-lieu of parking is made at the time the building permit is
issued for the building or structure that requires the off-street parking
(3) for a lot located within the Evergreen Line City Centre Core Area, as identified on
Schedule “O”, payment in-lieu of parking for parking reductions greater than five
percent (5%) may be provided up to a maximum of fifteen percent (15%) of the
total required off-street parking spaces, subject to the requirements of
Sub-section (2).
714 Requirements for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
This Section sets out the minimum number of parking spaces required pursuant to this
Part that must also be equipped each with an energized outlet for an electric vehicle.
Each energized outlet required under this Section 714 must provide level 2 charging or
Where an electric vehicle energy management system is implemented, the Director of
Development Services may specify a minimum performance standard to ensure a
sufficient rate of electric vehicle charging.
(a) Apartment,
Street-Oriented Village
Home Residential
The lesser of:
(i) the number of dwelling units; and
(ii) 100% of the number of parking spaces
required pursuant to this Part,
excluding parking spaces designated
for visitors
Additional Requirement: No parking spaces
designated for visitors shall be equipped
with any energized outlets required under
this Section 714.
Partial information only. Refer to
City of Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw