For Office Use
Wyoming Secretary of State’s Office
Herschler Building East
Suite 100 and 101
122 West 25th Street
Cheyenne, WY 82002-0020
Ph. 307.777.5860
Updated 5/2024
Wyoming Voter Registry List Request Form Instructions
Per W.S. 22-2-113(a), The secretary of state shall furnish at a reasonable price registry lists to any
candidate for a political office in the state, candidate's campaign committee, political party central
committees and officials thereof, elected officials, political action committees, individuals
promoting or opposing a ballot issue or candidate and to organizations which promote voter
participation. The county clerks may elect to furnish the lists and, if they do so, shall make them
available to all on an equal basis.
"Registry list" is defined by W.S. 22-1-102(a)(xxix) as “the list by precinct of the names, addresses,
party affiliations, unique identifying numbers generated by the state, information relating to
absentee ballot status, registration dates and precinct and district numbers of the registered
electors in the county prepared by the secretary of state or county clerks for distribution as
provided in W.S. 22-2-113.
Who may request the data?
The registry list may be obtained for political purposes only and the requestor must fit a category
as outlined in #6 Oath Required on the form.
How do I obtain the data?
If requesting data for a county or municipal official, candidate, candidate committee, PAC, or
political party, please contact the local County Clerk for their appropriate process and associated
fees for data.
If requesting data for a statewide elected official, candidate, candidate committee, PAC, or political
party, this form may be emailed to or mailed to the address listed below.
Wyoming Secretary of State’s Office
Attn: Election Division
Herschler Building East
Suite 100
122 West 25th Street
Cheyenne, WY 82002-0020
Please note, the VR data file will only be provided after the Wyoming Secretary of State’s Office
receives payment of the appropriate fee as detailed in #4 Fee to Obtain Data on the form. Payment
may be submitted via cash or a check made payable to the Wyoming Secretary of State.
During an absentee voting period, a Daily Absentee File pertaining to the date the VR list is exported
will be provided. To sign up to receive ongoing daily absentee files, please submit a completed
Daily Absentee File Request Form. Accommodations may be made for regularly scheduled VR list
requests. Please reach out to for more information on this process.
For Office Use
Wyoming Secretary of State’s Office
Herschler Building East
Suite 100 and 101
122 West 25th Street
Cheyenne, WY 82002-0020
Ph. 307.777.5860
4. Fee to Obtain Data
The pricing for each file type is outlined below.
County Requests: Please contact your local County
Clerk for fee schedule.
State Requests: Please reference fees below.
Statewide File$125
County - $35
Legislative District$25
Payment must be received prior to receiving data.
Cash or check made payable to Wyoming Secretary of
State may be mailed to:
Wyoming Secretary of State’s Office
Attn: Election Division
Herschler Building East
Suites 100 and 101
122 W 25
Cheyenne, WY 82002-0020
Political Party:
No Labels
County: ______________
Legislative District
House: ________
Wyoming Voter Registry List Request Form
(IMPORTANT! This data can ONLY be used for political purposes, not for commercial use.)
Please be sure to complete sections 1-6.
1. Receiving Data (Please select one option) 2. Contact Information
I would like data sent by email:
Email Address
I would like data uploaded to the following
Dropbox folder:
Note: Data will be provided in two forms: its
native text (.txt) format and in an Excel file.
The VR list data file will only include the following columns:
Voter ID, Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, Name Suffix,
Residence Address, County, Precinct, Split, Mailing Address,
Registration Date, Political Party, and House & Senate District.
Please select the desired data for the voter registry list from the
options below:
e: Voter registry list information now includes information
relating to absentee ballot status. If applicable, data provided
will include the Daily Absentee File pertaining to the date that
the VR list is exported. To sign up to receive daily absentee
files, please see the Daily Absentee File Request Form
(Printed Name)
(Mailing Address)
(City, State, Zip)
________________________ ________________________
(Phone Number) (Email Address)
3. Data Requested
For Office Use
Wyoming Secretary of State’s Office
Herschler Building East
Suite 100 and 101
122 West 25th Street
Cheyenne, WY 82002-0020
Ph. 307.777.5860
5. Evidence of Eligibility to Receive Data
6. Oath Required
According to Wyoming law an Oath form must be signed and submitted with each request. The appropriate
category must be selected below:
*I hereby affirm that I am requesting the voter registry list in the capacity of (complete appropriate category):
Wyoming candidate for political office
Office Title
Officer of a Wyoming candidate’s campaign
Officer of a political party central committee
Wyoming elected official
Office Title
Officer of a political action committee
Individual promoting or opposing a Wyoming
ballot issue
Ballot Issue
Individual promoting or opposing a Wyoming
Candidate’s Name
Representative of an organization promoting
voter participation in Wyoming
Name of Organization
In accordance with the Wyoming Election Code, W.S. 22-2-113(a), I affirm under penalty of perjury that I will use the above
voter registration data for political purposes only and that I will not use it for commercial purposes. I also affirm that I may
reproduce the registration data for political purposes only, as allowed by W.S.22-2-113(a), but if the data is provided to
others, I must notify subsequent parties of the statutory prohibition against using such data for commercial purposes. I
understand that violations of W.S. 22-2-113(a) will be referred for prosecution as a misdemeanor under W.S. 22-26-112.
________________________________________________________ ____________________________________
Signature of Affiant Date
Please provide documentation indicating your qualifications for receiving data under #6 Oath Required.
(For example, if an officer of a political action committee, provide evidence of the PAC’s formation and officers.)
Name of Committee
Name of Committee