U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
used marijuana. By the 12th grade, about 80 percent have used
alcohol, 63 percent have smoked cigarettes, and 49 percent have
used marijuana. Young people account for the majority of new
users of many substances. The rising prevalence of marijuana use
during the first half of the 1990s was driven, in large part, by the
increasing rates of new use among youth ages 12–17. Between
1990 and 1997, declines in the mean age of first use of cocaine
and heroin were accompanied by an upward trend in the rate of
new cocaine and heroin users among 12- to 17-year-olds. Tobacco
use among adolescents, research shows, is a powerful predictor of
other drug use, especially among females. For adolescent males,
alcohol use is a strong predictor of progression into the use of
other drugs. The age when adolescents first start using alcohol,
tobacco, and illicit drugs is also a reliable predictor of later alco-
hol and drug problems, especially if that use begins before age
15. More than 40 percent of youth who start drinking at age 14 or
younger develop alcohol dependence, compared with 10 percent
of youth who begin drinking at age 20 or older.
Role of the Media
The media play a critical role in shaping perceptions about the
risks of substance use. Increases in substance use among youth
between the early 1990s and 1996 were linked to a decline in the
prevalence of warning and antidrug messages from the media,
parents, and schools; the proliferation of pro-use messages from
the entertainment industry; and high levels of tobacco and alcohol
product advertising and promotion. Media research
shows that in
the 200 most popular movie rentals in 1996 and 1997, alcohol
appeared in 93 percent, tobacco in 89 percent, and illicit drugs in
22 percent, with marijuana and cocaine depicted most often.
Analysis of the 1,000 most popular songs of 1996 and 1997
showed that 27 percent referred to either alcohol or illicit drugs.
In 1999, 44 percent of non-news programs aired by the four
Substance Abuse: The Nation’s
Number One Health Problem
by Nels Ericson
Research has long shown that the abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and
illicit drugs is the single most serious health problem in the
United States, straining the health care system, burdening the
economy, and contributing to the health problems and death of
millions of Americans every year. Today, substance abuse causes
more deaths, illnesses, and disabilities than any other preventable
health condition.
A new report, Substance Abuse: The Nation’s Number One
Health Problem, commissioned by the Robert Wood Johnson
Foundation and prepared by the Schneider Institute for Health
Policy at Brandeis University, tracks positive and negative trends
in adult and youth smoking, drinking, and illicit drug use over the
past three decades. The report contains data from several hundred
public and private sources, reporting snapshots and long-term
trends in patterns of adult and youth substance abuse, conse-
quences to society, and approaches for combating the problem.
Among other findings, the report discusses the role the media
have played in influencing youth substance use and looks at how
treatment, though shown to be effective by numerous scientific
studies, is severely underutilized.
Research Findings
The findings of the report show that juveniles are experimenting
with drugs, alcohol, and tobacco at young ages. Indeed, the data
show that attitudes toward drug use and patterns of drug, alcohol,
and tobacco use are often established early in life. The research
suggests that significant changes in drug awareness take place
between the ages of 12 and 13. Thirteen-year-olds are three times
more likely to know how to obtain marijuana or to know someone
who uses illicit drugs than are 12-year-olds. Young adults (ages
18–25) are most likely to engage in heavy use of alcohol, drugs,
and tobacco than all other age groups. Other research findings are
discussed below.
Long-Term Implications of Early Substance Use
By the eighth grade, 52 percent of adolescents have consumed
alcohol, 41 percent have smoked cigarettes, and 20 percent have
May 2001 #17
Roberts, D.F., Henricksen, C., and Christiansson, P.G. 1999. Substance
Use in Popular Movies and Music. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Administration, and Office of National Drug Control Policy.
Fact Sheet
U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Washington, DC 20531
Official Business
Penalty for Private Use $300
major television networks portrayed tobacco use in at least one
episode. In 1998, the tobacco industry spent $6.7 billion on adver-
tising and product promotions, and the alcohol industry spent
more than $1 billion on television, radio, print, and outdoor adver-
tising in 1997.
Underutilization of Proven Treatment Options
Research also shows that only a quarter of individuals who abuse
alcohol and illicit drugs get treatment. Recent studies have shown
that after 6 months, treatment for alcoholism is successful for 40
to 70 percent of patients, cocaine treatment is successful for 50 to
60 percent, and opiate treatment is successful for 50 to 80 percent,
with effectiveness defined as a 50-percent reduction in substance
use after 6 months. This research also shows that treatment, even
treatment for relapses into substance abuse, is less expensive than
incarceration and untreated addiction.
Substance abuse can have an effect from earliest infancy to old
age. Some infants are born already affected by the substances
consumed by their mothers during pregnancy. Prenatal exposure
to alcohol, drugs, or tobacco in utero has been linked to psycho-
logical, cognitive, and physical problems in children. More than
2,000 infants are born every year in the United States with fetal
alcohol syndrome, a group of preventable birth defects and
developmental disabilities caused by alcohol consumption during
pregnancy. More than 6,000 children die each year of sudden
infant death syndrome and respiratory infections linked to pa-
rental smoking and low birth weights associated with a mother’s
smoking during pregnancy. Children can be affected by their par-
ents’ substance abuse in a number of ways: from neglect and
abuse associated with alcohol and use of illicit drugs to chronic
respiratory problems caused by environmental tobacco smoke.
For Further Information
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, based in Princeton, NJ, is
the Nation’s largest philanthropy devoted exclusively to health
and health care. To obtain a copy of the report Substance Abuse:
The Nation’s Number One Health Problem, write to:
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Attn: Substance Abuse Chartbook
Route 1 and College Road East
P.O. Box 2316
Princeton, NJ 08543–2316
Internet: www.rwjf.org, under the Resource Centers section.
Nels Ericson is a Writer/Editor with the Office of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention.
The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention is a component
of the Office of Justice Programs, which also includes the Bureau of Justice
Assistance, the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the National Institute of Justice,
and the Office for Victims of Crime.