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Sauk Valley Community College
(Adjunct and Full-time)
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Welcome to Sauk Valley Community College!
We are pleased to have you join the staff of Sauk Valley Community College.
Recognizing that education is the single best means of improving the quality of people’s lives, we
the people of the SVCC Learning Community commit to living shared ethical values.
Sauk Valley Community College respects the worth and dignity of all people; stands for integrity
and fairness; and encourages responsibility, accountability, and persistence in a caring, supportive
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1.1 Purpose of Manual 6
1.2 Mission and Vision Statement 6
1.3 History of Sauk Valley Community College 6
1.4 Accreditation 7
1.5 Assessment 7
1.6 Board of Trustees 7
1.7 College Committees 7
1.8 Sauk Login / FAST (Faculty and Staff Tools) 7
1.9 Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) 8
1.10 Organizational Structure 8
1.11 Strategic Planning 8
2.1 Acceptable Use of Technology 9
2.2 Affirmative Action Policy 9
2.3 Americans with Disabilities Act 9
2.4 Board Policy 9
2.5 Drug Free Workplace Act 9
2.6 FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) 11
2.7 FMLA Leave (Family Medical Leave Act) 12
2.8 Identity Theft Prevention and Information Security 14
2.9 Illinois School Act Leave 15
2.10 Job Posting 15
2.11 Non-Discrimination in Employment and Student Relations 15
2.12 Nursing Mother’s Act 15
2.13 Pre-employment Investigations & Pre-employment Employee Testing 16
2.14 Sexual Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Student Policy Title IX 17
2.15 Sexual Harassment Policy 17
2.16 Smoking Tobacco Policy 17
2.17 Candles, Incense, and Fragrance-Producing Warming Devices 17
2.18 Children in the Workplace 17
2.19 Conduct 17
2.20 Emergency Procedures 18
2.21 Employment Records 18
2.22 Inclement Weather 18
2.23 Job Descriptions 19
2.24 Keys 19
2.25 Leave Sharing Assistance Program 19
2.26 Official College Hours 19
2.27 Parking Policy 20
2.28 Personal Appearance 20
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2.29 Sauk Identification Name Tag 20
2.30 Telecommuting 20
3.1 403(b) and 457 Annuity Plans 21
3.2 Employee Recognition Programs 21
3.3 Health, Life, and Disability Insurance and Section 125 (Cafeteria Plan) 21
3.4 Holidays 22
3.5 Injury on Job Workers’ Compensation 22
3.6 Jury Duty 22
3.7 Other Benefits 22
3.8 Other Leaves 23
3.9 Personal Leave 23
3.10 Sick Leave & Vacation Leave 23
3.11 SURS State Universities Retirement System 24
3.12 Tuition Reimbursement 24
3.13 Tuition Waiver 25
3.14 Sauk Serves 25
4.1 Calculation of Payment of Load Credit for Seminars and Internships 26
4.2 Deductions from your Pay 26
4.3 Direct Deposit 27
4.4 Time and Pay Records 27
4.5 Payment for Independent Study and Tutorial Courses 27
4.6 Payment for Other Services 27
4.7 Placement on Faculty Schedule 27
5.1 College Forms 28
5.2 Disability Support Services Office 28
5.3 Evaluations and Classroom Observations 28
5.4 Faculty On-line Orientation 29
5.5 Important Contacts 29
5.6 Mail 29
5.7 Office Hours 29
5.8 Photocopies and Print Shop 30
5.9 Policy for Mandatory Health Standards for Health Career Education Faculty 30
6.1 Academic Freedom 31
6.2 Choosing a Text 31
6.3 Classroom Management 31
6.4 Course Outlines 31
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6.5 Course Syllabi 32
6.6 Hours of Classroom and/or On-line Instruction 32
6.7 Procedure for Notification of Class Cancellation 32
6.8 Sauk On-line Access to Records (SOAR) 32
7.1 Assessment 33
7.2 Attendance (Student) 33
7.3 Class Roster(s) 33
7.4 Classrooms 34
7.5 College Committee Service 34
7.6 Faculty Responsibilities 34
7.7 Final Exams 34
7.8 Grading Policy, Procedures and Record Keeping 34
7.9 Operational Plans 37
7.10 Program Review 38
7.11 Sponsoring Clubs and Events 38
8.1 Adult Education 39
8.2 Career and Employer Services 39
8.3 Community Education 39
8.4 Counseling 40
8.5 Early Alert System 40
8.6 Fitness Center 40
8.7 Information Center/Switchboard 40
8.8 Learning Commons 41
8.9 Marketing and Public Relations 41
8.10 Student Support Services 41
8.11 Testing Center OCR 41
9.1 Books at the LRC 42
9.2 Web Links 42
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1.1 Purpose of Manual
It is the responsibility of employees to become familiar with the handbook, as well as the various
rules and regulations, Board of Trustees policies and administrative procedures. The official
policies and procedures of the College govern the subjects discussed in the handbook, and many
have direct links to the Board Policy Manual. This handbook is not a contractual agreement, nor
supersedes any collective bargaining agreement in effect at the College. This handbook is available
on FAST and regularly updated to ensure compliance with state and federal laws regarding
employment, as well as reflect revisions in College policies, procedures, and benefits.
Please direct questions regarding the handbook to your supervisor or to the Human Resources
Director. Sauk Valley Community College reserves the right to make changes to this handbook
without notice. Please hold down the control key as you click on the web address to access the
links embedded in the handbook.
1.2 Mission and Vision Statement
Mission Statement
Sauk Valley Community College is dedicated to teaching and scholarship while engaging the
community in lifelong learning, public service, and economic development.
Vision Statement
Sauk Valley Community College will be a leader in student achievement while expanding access to
higher education across the Sauk Valley region.
1.3 History of Sauk Valley Community College
Sauk Valley Community College was created by a district-wide referendum in 1965. SVCC District
506 includes Lee and Whiteside Counties and portions of Ogle, Bureau, and Carroll Counties.
Classes began in temporary buildings on September 26, 1966 with 651 students and 12 programs
(construction began on the current building in December 1967). The College’s first-degree
candidates totaled 14 students. Today, we offer associates degrees in art, science, or applied
science in more than 35 areas and over 50 certificates.
Six presidents have served the College: Dr. Edward Sabol (1965-72), Dr. George Cole (1972-80), Dr.
Hal Garner (1980-86), Dr. Herbert “Swede” Phillips, interim (1986), Dr. Richard L. Behrendt (1986-
2005), Dr. George Mihel (2005-2015), and the College’s current President, Dr. David Hellmich.
The College’s rich history could literally fill volumes. Sauk grew to offer more resources and
services as people and the area changed with the times. Our mission and commitment continue to
grow. Sauk makes it possible; you make it happen.
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1.4 Accreditation
The Higher Learning Commission regionally accredits the College. SVCC first received institutional
accreditation in March 1972 and has maintained continued accreditation. In 2012, the College
received accreditation for ten years. The Open Pathway system maintains that accreditation. The
Radiologic Technology program has accreditation through the Joint Review Committee on
Education in Radiologic Technology and the Nursing program has approval through the Illinois
State Board of Nursing. Find additional facts about regional accreditation at
1.5 Assessment
SVCC has adopted an academic assessment system that helps us get “snapshots” of our students’
performance as they progress through their educational careers. These snapshots assist us in
setting policies like prerequisites, guide curriculum changes, and plan and budget for our areas.
We complete a yearly full assessment cycle to collect data, discuss our observations and findings,
and make recommendations for changes. Our assessment system ties to our operational planning
system and helps set goals and priorities for areas that relate to the strategic direction of the
College. The assessment process is faculty-driven and for the benefit of improving teaching and
1.6 Board of Trustees
A seven-member elected Board of Trustees governs SVCC. In addition, there is a student-elected
advisory member. The Board of Trustees meets once a month in a public meeting. Primary
functions of the Board are to establish Board Policy, provide oversight to the College, and hire a
president. Board of Trustees meeting dates, agendas, and minutes are at
1.7 College Committees
The function of the College committee system is to advise the President on policies, systems, and
procedures concerning governance of the institution. The list of committees are on the SVCC
website at http://fast.svcc.edu/committee/index.html. If you are interested in joining a
committee, please see your supervisor.
1.8 Sauk Login / FAST (Faculty and Staff Tools)
Your Sauk Login gives you access to the SVCC accounts you will need to use. Your Sauk Login
Username is usually your first name, middle initial, and last name (for example, first.m.last),
however, in some cases it may be different from that (for example, if we don't have your middle
initial on file or your username is longer than 20 characters). Before accessing SVCC employee
resources you will be required to select your password by clicking on the CHANGE/FORGOT
Password link. You can change your password and access your accounts at svcc.edu/login.
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The College provides an intranet for employees called FAST (Faculty and Staff Tools). FAST contains
general College information, communication, committee minutes, training, job descriptions, and
documents/forms. If you have issues accessing FAST, please contact the Information Technology
Services department at extension 229 or e-mail [email protected].
1.9 Illinois Community College Board (ICCB)
The Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) has been the statewide voice for the Illinois
Community College System since its inception in 1965. The ICCB, as the state coordinating board
for community colleges, administers the Public Community College Act in a manner that maximizes
the ability of the community colleges to serve their communities. As an integral part of the state's
system of higher education, community colleges are committed to providing high quality,
accessible, and cost-effective educational opportunities for the individuals and communities they
1.10 Organizational Structure
The organizational chart is on the SVCC website at
1.11 Strategic Planning
The College focuses on strategic activities that move the College toward its vision and tactical
activities that enables the College to achieve its goals. The College’s strategic plan includes
strategic directions, operational plans, rolling plan procedures, and an annual report. The College
evaluates its performance by referring to the Strategic Planning Dashboard that can be found
at https://www.svcc.edu/departments/irp/reporting/dashboard/index.html?utm_source=header
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2.1 Acceptable Use of Technology
SVCC provides technology resources to meet the College's purpose, support our educational and
community values, and to support our programs and initiatives. SVCC's Information Technology
Services organizational goal is to provide high quality services to the campus community. We have
expectations regarding the use of technology resources at the College. Please access the complete
Acceptable of Use Technology at www.svcc.edu/aup.
2.2 Affirmative Action Policy
SVCC implements affirmative action when required by law. The Director of Human Resources is
responsible for development of plan and compliance measures. Please access the affirmative
action policy at https://www.svcc.edu/about/board-policy/400/403.01.html.
2.3 Americans with Disabilities Act
The College acknowledges and affirms its commitment to provide a work place and facilities with
equal access for all employees. Federal and state laws require that the College provide reasonable
accommodations for all employees and students meeting the requirements of the law. The College
has a Disability Support Services office to assess, evaluate and determine each student’s needs.
The Human Resources department evaluates the need for accommodation for employees. It is
every employee’s responsibility to inform his or her supervisor or the Director of Human
Resources, if an accommodation may be required to complete tasks associated with his or her job.
2.4 Board Policy
The Board official policies and procedures of the College govern the subjects discussed in the
handbook, and many of the policies contained in the handbook will have direct links to the Board
Policy Manual. Please access the Board Policy Manual at
2.5 Drug Free Workplace Act
In accordance with P.L. 100-690, the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, it is the policy of
Sauk Valley Community College that its workplace be drug-free. This policy is a condition of
1. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of a controlled
substance is prohibited in campus buildings, on campus grounds, or in any other workplace
designated for College employees.
2. Within thirty (30) days of receiving notice of a violation of paragraph 1 (above) the
College shall institute appropriate disciplinary action. Disciplinary action could include, but is not
limited to, dismissal. The College may also require an employee who violated this policy to
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participate satisfactorily in an employee assistance program or a substance abuse assistance or
rehabilitation program.
3. Employees, as a condition of employment, are required to notify the College of any criminal
drug conviction resulting from a violation occurring at the workplace no later than five (5) days
after conviction.
4. The College shall notify the appropriate federal agency from which it received grant monies of
an employee conviction within ten (10) days after receiving notice of such a conviction.
5. For the purpose of this Notice, the following definitions shall apply:
A. A “controlled” substance is any one or more of the following: (1) which is not legally obtainable;
(2) which is legally obtainable but is being used in a manner different from that prescribed; or (3)
which is legally obtainable but has not been legally obtained.
B. A “conviction" is defined as a finding of guilt (including plea of no contest) or imposition of a
sentence, or both, by any judicial body charged with the responsibility of determining violations of
the federal or state criminal drug statutes.
6. The College will develop a drug-free awareness program, which will inform College employees
of the following:
A. The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace.
B. The College's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace.
C. Any health or drug abuse agency, which provides drug counseling, rehabilitation,
and assistance programs.
D. The penalties that may be imposed for drug abuse violations occurring in the
7. The College shall continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through the continued
implementation of both this policy and the provisions of the Notice to Employees.
8. A Notice to Employees complying with the provisions of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988
will be distributed to each employee of the College.
Health Risks
Health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol can:
Make you feel able to handle tasks that are too much for you or make you careless and likely to
forget important safety steps.
Throw off your sense of time, space, and distance which is especially dangerous when operating
Causes lateness and absenteeism, increasing the workload of others.
Causes crime at the workplace or institution, including theft of personal belonging to finance drug
Causes major errors risking harm to yourself and/or others.
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Students may obtain assistance and support from the SVCC counseling staff. The staff serves as an internal
referral source for substance abuse related problems. Please find below additional resources.
ALANON or Alcoholics Anonymous
For locations of meetings, call (800) 452-7990 (24-hour answering service)
CGH Medical Center
100 E. LeFevre
Sterling, IL 61081 (815) 625-0400
National Cleaning House for Alcohol and Drug Information
800-SAY-NO-TO or (888)-843-6522
Lutheran Social Services of Illinois
1901 First Avenue
Sterling, IL 61081 (815)-626-7333
Prevention First, Inc. IL Drug Education Alliance
822 South College Street
Springfield, IL 62704 (800) 252-8951
Recovery Zone
707 1
Rock Falls, IL 61071 (815) 626-2800
Rosecrance Drug & Alcohol Treatment Centers
3815 Harrison Avenue
Rockford, IL 61100 (800) 252-6465 Rosecrance.org
Sinnissippi Centers, Inc.
325 Illinois Route 2
Dixon, IL 61021 (815) 284-6611
Hotline for Alcohol & Drug Abuse
Help 24 hours (800) 777-2721
Ben Gordon Center
12 Health Services Drive
DeKalb, IL 60115 (815) 756-4875
2.6 FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)
The College policy on student records complies with the "Family Educational Rights and Privacy
Act." This act protects the privacy of education records, to establish the rights of students to
inspect and review their education records, and to provide guidelines for correction of incorrect or
misleading data through formal and informal hearings. Here are some of the responsibilities you
have as an employee:
No one outside the institution will have access to nor will the institution disclose any
information about student educational records without the written consent of the student.
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Exceptions are:
School officials with legitimate educational interest;
Parents of an eligible student as a dependent for tax purposes;
Other schools to which a student is transferring;
Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes;
Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student;
Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school;
Accrediting organizations;
To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena;
Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies; and
State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific State law.
The following information is designated by the College as public or "directory" information:
name, address, telephone listing, major field of study, dates of attendance, photographs, full-
time/part-time status, degrees and awards received, the most recent educational agency or
institution attended by the student, participation in officially recognized activities and sports,
and weight and height of members of athletic teams. At its discretion, the institution may
provide directory information in accordance with the provisions of the Act.
Currently enrolled students may withhold directory information by notifying the Admissions
and Records office in writing within two weeks after the first day of classes for the fall term.
Please access the complete policy at https://www.svcc.edu/about/procedures/ferpa.html.
2.7 FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act)
The College grants Family and Medical Leave (FML) for eligible employees up to twelve weeks per
year (defined as a 52 consecutive week period). Employees are entitled to take leave for the
purposes stated below:
Birth of an employee’s child or placement of a child with the employee for adoption or foster
care and to care for such child within the twelve months after birth or placement.
To care for the employee’s seriously ill spouse, child, or parent. “Child” is defined as a son or
daughter under either 18 years of age or 18 years of age or older, but incapable of self-care.
A serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the functions of the
employee’s position.
Military Family Leave (MFL)
Eligible employees with a spouse, son, daughter, or parent on active duty or call to active duty
status in the National Guard or Reserves in support of a contingency operation may use their
twelve-week leave entitlement to address certain qualifying exigencies. Qualifying exigencies may
include attending certain military events, arranging for alternative childcare, addressing certain
financial and legal arrangements, attending certain counseling sessions, and attending post-
deployment reintegration briefings.
Eligible employees are entitled up to twenty-six weeks of leave within twelve months to care for
the employee’s spouse, son, daughter, parent, or next of kin who is a covered military service
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member who has a serious injury or illness incurred in the line of duty on active duty that may
render the service member medically unfit to perform his or her duties for which the service
member is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy; or is in outpatient status; or is
on the temporary disability retired list.
An employee must be employed by the College for at least twelve months (not required to be
consecutive) and must have worked at least 1,250 hours during the twelve-month period
preceding the commencement of the leave of absence.
Definition of Serious Health Condition
A serious health condition is an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that
involves either an overnight stay in a medical care facility, or continuing treatment by a health care
provider for a condition that either prevents the employee from performing the functions of the
employee’s job, or prevents the qualified family member from participating in school or other
daily activities. Subject to certain conditions, the continuing treatment requirement may be met
by a period of incapacity of more than three (3) consecutive calendar days combined with at least
two (2) visits to a health care provider or one visit and a regimen of continuing treatment, or
incapacity due to pregnancy, or incapacity due to a chronic condition. Other conditions may meet
the definition of continuing treatment.
Employee Responsibilities
Any employee who desires a leave of absence pursuant to this policy must complete and sign FML
or MFL papers in the Human Resources office and submit a request for time off form to his or her
supervisor. When the need for leave of absence is foreseeable or anticipated, the employee needs
to complete the paperwork at least 30 days before the beginning the leave. If the need for leave
was not foreseeable, the employee must submit paperwork as far in advance as is possible.
Intermittent Leave
A leave may be taken by the employee on an intermittent basis or on a reduced schedule if
medically necessary. When leave is taken because of birth or placement of a child for adoption or
foster care, an employee may take leave intermittently or on a reduced leave schedule only if
approved by the immediate supervisor. The College may require the employee on an intermittent
leave to temporarily transfer to an alternative position that accommodates the employee’s
recurring absences or part-time schedule. The smallest increment of leave allowed to be taken in
this category is one hour.
Medical Certification
If the proposed leave of absence is an employee’s own serious health condition, the written
medical certification must include a statement that the employee is unable to perform the
functions of his or her position. If the proposed leave of absence is a serious health condition of
the spouse, child, or parent, the written medical certification must include a statement that the
employee is needed to care for the individual, as well as an estimate of the amount of time.
Employees will be required to periodically report on their status and intention to return to work.
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In its discretion, and at its own expense, the College may require a second medical opinion. If the
second medical opinion differs from the original medical certification, the College may require the
employee to submit to examination by a third physician, the identity of whom will be agreed upon
by the College and the employee. The College may require periodic recertification by an
employee’s medical care provider.
Compensation and Benefits
Employees must use accrued time (vacation, sick, or personal) if available (including time off for
job related injuries) toward all or part of the maximum twelve-week or twenty-six-week period.
Employees on FML and MFL will maintain benefits at the same rate and coverage. Employees must
arrange with the College’s Business Office to pay any contributions due. If an employee elects to
maintain health insurance coverage during an unpaid FML or MFL they must elect COBRA after
one month of FML or MFL leave without pay. Employees on unpaid leave will not accrue
sick/personal/vacation time, and are not be eligible for benefits (e.g., holiday pay, tuition
reimbursement, and tuition waiver). If the employee does not return to work after completion of
the leave of absence, the employee is required to reimburse the College for the full cost of
payments made to maintain the employee’s benefits during the leave of absence.
Return to Work
When on a leave due to an employee’s own serious health condition, the employee must provide
written medical certification from his or her medical care provider stating that he or she is able to
perform the essential functions of his or her job with or without reasonable accommodation. The
employee will then return to his or her former position. If the position is not available, the
employee may be placed in an equivalent position with equal pay and benefits. Reinstatement
may be denied if the employee would have otherwise not been employed. If an employee does
not return to work on the agreed upon date, the employee will be considered to have voluntarily
terminated employment. Under no circumstances will a FML be approved for longer than a period
of twelve weeks.
Key Employees
With respect to “highly paid” or “key” employees, there may be circumstances where no positions
are available upon the expiration of the leave. In such circumstances, the employee will be
terminated from the College. A “key” employee is an exempt employee who is among the highest
paid 10% percent of employees working for the College.
2.8 Identity Theft Prevention and Information Security
The College maintains an identity theft prevention program and information security program as
an administrative procedure to reduce the risk of data loss and identity theft to the College,
students, and employees. The program was developed, implemented, and maintained to follow
the relevant requirements provided in the Federal Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act
(FACTA) of 2003, Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards
(PCI-DSS) along with any applicable implementing regulations. Please access the Information
Security Program at https://www.svcc.edu/about/procedures/information-security-program.html.
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2.9 Illinois School Leave Act
In accordance with the Illinois School Act Leave, SVCC will grant an employee up to a total of 8
hours during any school year (4 hours per day) to attend school conferences or classroom activities
related to the employee’s child if the activities cannot be scheduled during non-work hours. No
leave will be taken until all accrued vacation time, personal leave, and compensatory time is
exhausted. The employee will provide the supervisor a written request at least 7 days in advance.
In emergencies, no more than 24 hours is required.
2.10 Job Posting
All SVCC employees are encouraged and given the opportunity to advance through our policy of
posting College vacancies. It is recommended that all employees be in their current position six
months before applying for another position. Internal candidates may be considered for another
position or promotion without a search if the candidate is a permanent full-time or part-time
employee. All promotions/transfers must be reviewed by HR and approved by the hiring
supervisor and the President.
When an employee’s position is being eliminated, the College reserves the right to move the
employee to an open position for which he or she possesses the necessary skills and qualifications
without a search (with the review of HR, approval by the hiring supervisor and the president). For
administrative and faculty positions, this also requires Board approval. Permanent full-time or
part-time vacancies not filled within the College are posted for a minimum of five working days on
the SVCC website and may be advertised locally as well as nationally. Seasonal or temporary
positions need not be posted. The College reserves the right to interview only internal candidates.
2.11 Non-Discrimination in Employment and Student Relations
SVCC is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to an effective policy of non-
discrimination and equal opportunity in all employee and student relations. Except to the extent
and subject to the exemptions permitted by law, no qualified employee or student will be
excluded from employment or educational opportunity, be denied benefits, or be subjected to
discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, gender, sexual
orientation (as that term is defined in the Illinois Human Rights Act), marital status, handicap,
military status, or unfavorable discharge from military service classified as Re-3 or the equivalent
thereof. The EOE officer is the Director of Human Resources.
2.12 Nursing Mother’s Act
The act requires “reasonable paid break time” each time an employee needs to express milk. This
requirement must be honored for up to one year after the child’s birth. An employee’s break time
“may” run concurrently with any break time already otherwise provided. If you have questions
about the act, please feel free to contact the HR office. Sauk Valley Community College provides a
lactation room for nursing mothers.
2.13 Employment Investigations and Employment Employee Testing
To help protect the security and safety of the College’s students and staff, and to comply with any
relevant state or federal requirements, appropriate background checks and testing will be
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conducted for potential employees of the College, employees of the College who undertake
certain specific responsibility, and persons who regularly serve as compensated or uncompensated
volunteers of the College. The background checks and testing may include:
(a) Criminal background checks
(b) Fingerprinting and submission of fingerprints to appropriate law enforcement agencies
(c) Drug testing
The complete pre-employment investigations, pre-employment, employee testing policies, and
procedures are at: http://www.svcc.edu/about/board-policy/400/428.02.html.
2.14 Sex Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Title IX
Sauk Valley Community College is committed to fostering a safe, productive learning environment
and does not discriminate on the basis of sex in any of its’ educational programs or activities. Title
IX and College Policy prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender or sex. Sexual misconduct
including sex-based harassment, domestic and dating violence, sexual assault, exploitation, and
stalking are prohibited acts. All forms of sexual misconduct or other identified acts of prohibited
conduct under the College’s policy is regarded as serious, and violations can result in discipline,
including possibility of separation from the College. In accordance with Title IX and Sexual
Misconduct/Discrimination policy, Sauk Valley Community College will develop procedures that:
Comply with the most recent State and Federal Regulations pertaining to Sexual
Misconduct in Higher Education.
Highlight the College’s commitment to address sexual misconduct and define prohibited
Describe the reporting, investigation, and grievance procedures for allegations of sexual
Define the roles of various individuals at Sauk Valley Community College involved in the
investigation and adjudication of reported instances of sexual misconduct.
Outline the resources available to all parties in reported sexual misconduct cases.
Provide appropriate training to all employees, students and others involved in sexual
misconduct cases.
The Sex Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Board Policy: https://www.svcc.edu/about/board-
College Resource Personnel: https://www.svcc.edu/about/college-resource-personnel.html.
Confidential resources include the Dean of Student Services, Clinical Mental Health and Academic
Counselors, Academic Advisors, Student Support Services (TRIO), and the Director of Disability
Support Services.
2.15 Sexual Harassment Policy
Applicable Statue: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
The College shall provide its employees and students an educational and employment
environment free from unwelcome sexual advances by employees of the College, free from
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requests for sexual favors by employees of the College and free from other verbal or physical
conduct by employees constituting sexual harassment as herein defined and as is otherwise
prohibited by state or federal law.
The College will develop, make publicly available, and review and update at least annually a set of
Sexual Misconduct Procedures in compliance with Title VII and other applicable statues.
2.16 Smoking/Tobacco Policy
In accordance with the Illinois Smoke-Free Campus Act, effective July 1, 2015, smoking is
prohibited everywhere on campus, including both outdoors and indoors.
“Smoking” is defined as (1) lighting or burning any type of matter or substance that contains
tobacco, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, pipes, water pipes, or other
smoking devices (2) lighting or burning of non-tobacco plants or marijuana; and (3) using
electronic cigarettes. This includes smokeless tobacco. This policy applies to any individual on
campus property, including but not limited to students, faculty, staff, other employees,
contractors, subcontractors, volunteers, visitors, and members of the public. The smoking
prohibition also applies to all College owned vehicles at all times.
2.17 Candles, Incense, and Fragrance-Producing Warming Devices
At Sauk, we support all faculty, staff, and students having a safe environment in which to work and
learn. The burning of candles and incense and the use of fragrance-producing warming devices
pose a serious health risk to some faculty, staff, and/or students. Thus, consistent with our
institutional values and in compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements,
the burning of candles and incense and the use of fragrance-producing warming devices is not
permitted on College property.
2.18 Children in the Workplace
SVCC recognizes that due to childcare issues you may need to bring your child to work in order to
finish necessary tasks. This should not become a common practice. If your child does need to
accompany you to work for a short time, please make sure that your child stays with you at all
times. Please be considerate of your co-workers by limiting the length of time your child is on
2.19 Conduct
Students are our first priority. How each employee interacts with students and how we interact
with each other are vitally important to the success of the College. All employees are expected to
maintain a professional image and conduct at all times. Employees are responsible for knowing
Board policy and administrative procedures as they affect their respective position.
2.20 Emergency Procedures
Emergency procedure manuals are located in major offices in the College. For reporting fires,
please dial 911 and then evacuate the building. Whenever possible, use a College phone to call
911. Security, the switchboard operator, and key individuals are automatically notified. Please
assist persons with disabilities and do not use the elevator. The Evacu-Trac is a device used during
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emergency conditions by qualified personnel to move persons in wheelchairs to the first floor.
They are located in the third floor stairwells (center and Dillion Mall).
For personal safety, phones are located in offices, classrooms, and hallways. Call boxes are located
in the parking lots. Security staff is in the building at all times and will escort you to your vehicle
upon request. In case of severe weather, security will provide notification, and you may be asked
to evacuate to the basement of the College. Please use the stairwells that have the signs indicating
severe weather shelter area as these lead to the basement. For crime reporting report all incidents
to security staff, immediate supervisor, or night administrator.
2.21 Employment Records
It is necessary for the College to collect basic information for payroll data, benefits, medical
records, immigration records, and performance evaluations. We request that you keep your
personnel records correct and up-to-date. Please change the following on the SVCC website in
Banner Self-Service.
Change of address
Change in phone number
Change in emergency contact and/or telephone number
Direct deposit
If there is a change in status, such as marital status, addition(s) to the family or changes that may
affect your taxes, insurance, and beneficiaries, please contact the HR office. Personnel records are
the property of the College and remain the property of the College upon termination. You may
review any material in your personnel file by contacting the Human Resources Director. The HR
department will make a copy of a document from your file; however, if you want multiple copies it
will be .10 cents per copy.
2.22 Inclement Weather
In the event that it becomes necessary to close the campus or to cancel classes and other activities
due to inclement weather, notices are made on radio, television, SVCC website, and other media
as appropriate. Employees may also sign-up for text alerts at svcc.edu/txtalerts.
For those days the campus operates as a remote workday, supervisors will develop in advance
responsibilities that staff can perform remotely (e.g., training, skill development, etc.) for those
employees whose position does not lend itself to remote work. The supervisor can also discuss
with the non-exempt employee plans to alter the work schedule to make-up time, if it falls within
the parameters of the payroll week (Monday Sunday) or use vacation or personal time.
2.23 Job Descriptions and Salary Grades
Please find job descriptions and salary grades on the SVCC web at
2.24 Keys
Keys are issued by security upon receipt of the key request form by the supervisor. Key requests
are submitted for new employees or when an employee needs a key to access a classroom or
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office for school use. Requests for special keys (grand master, master, and sub-master) require
approval of the supervisor and the president prior to issuance.
2.25 Leave Sharing Assistance Program
The purpose of this program is to establish a leave sharing program for SVCC full-time employees
by allowing employees to donate sick or vacation hours to other employees who are experiencing
(or have an immediate family member) a catastrophic medical emergency, illness, or injury who
have exhausted all of his or her accrued paid time off (personal, sick, and vacation). Leave
assistance days may be used only for an extended absence (10 or more consecutive workdays).
Employees may donate up to 40 hours of sick or vacation time per year to the Leave Sharing bank
by using the Leave Sharing Donation form during open enrollment. The hours donated are
calculated by dollars and stored in the Leave Sharing bank until an eligible qualified employee
requests time. Donated time is deducted from the donor’s account upon receipt of the donation
Employee must have documentation for a catastrophic medical emergency, illness, or injury on
file in Human Resources.
Have one full year of continuous service and occupy a permanent, full-time position.
Have exhausted all accumulated personal, sick, and vacation time and be currently missing
work due to a catastrophic incident or other qualifying event.
A maximum of 30 days may be requested from the leave assistance bank.
No participant is awarded more leave sharing assistance than is necessary to bridge the waiting
period for SURS or voluntary long-term disability benefits.
Payments made under this policy are reportable in a recipient employee’s gross income and are
subject to withholding taxes upon receipt of payment. Participation in this program is voluntary
The Leave Assistance Program time will run concurrently with the provisions of the Family Medical
Leave Act (FMLA), if applicable. Petition to receive sick leave assistance days from the bank must
be made in writing by completing the appropriate form. The fully completed form must be
submitted to Human Resources no more than 10 days after exhausting all accumulated sick leave.
2.26 Official College Hours
Office hours for the College offices to be open for fall and spring semesters are Monday through
Thursday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. College offices are open for the
summer Monday through Thursday 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Some offices are open evening hours.
2.27 Parking Policy
SVCC has several parking lots with open parking. Areas allocated in the back of the College are
designated for College personnel wishing to park in reserved areas. All College personnel parking
areas are marked with signage designating the reserved area. Campus security patrols and is
responsible for these reserved parking areas.
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2.28 Personal Appearance
It is the policy of SVCC that each employee’s dress, grooming, and personal hygiene should be
appropriate to the work situation. The impressions conveyed in your dress and grooming are a
direct reflection of your professionalism. Please contact your supervisor with any questions. The
impression you make is important to the success of the College.
2.29 Sauk Identification Name Tag
Employees are required to wear a Sauk issued picture identification nametag.
2.30 Telecommuting
SVCC considers telecommuting to be a viable, flexible option when both the employee and the
position are suited to the arrangement. Telecommuting may be appropriate for some employees
and jobs, but not for others. Telecommuting may be on a recurring scheduled basis (e.g.,
telecommute on Monday and Friday, work on-campus on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday).
Any telecommuting agreement may be discontinued at-will and at any time at the request of
either the employee or the College. Every effort will be made to provide a 30-day notice of such
change to accommodate commuting, childcare, and other issues that may arise from termination
of the telecommuting agreement.
Individuals requesting formal telecommuting arrangements must have satisfactory performance
records. Telecommuting is not a college-wide benefit, before entering into the agreement, the
employee and supervisor will evaluate the suitability of the arrangement, reviewing the following
Employee suitability. The employee and supervisor will assess the needs and work habits of the
Job responsibilities. The employee and supervisor will discuss job responsibilities and
determine if the job is appropriate for a telecommuting arrangement.
Equipment needs, workspace design, and scheduling issues. The employee and supervisor will
review the physical workspace needs.
Tax and other legal implications. The employee must determine any tax or legal implications
under IRS, state and local government laws, and/or restrictions of working from a home-based
office. Responsibility for fulfilling all obligations in this area rests solely with the employee.
If the employee and supervisor agree and the President’s Cabinet representative concurs, a
telecommuting agreement will be prepared and signed. Evaluation of telecommuter performance
will include regulation interaction by phone and email between the employee and the supervisor,
and weekly meetings to discuss progress and problems.
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3.1 403(b), 457 SURS Deferred Compensation, and 457 Annuity Plans
The College believes it is in the best interest of its employees that they be able to make use of
retirement benefit programs. The 403(b), SURS 457 DCP, and 457 retirement plan are retirement
savings vehicles, in addition to and are separate from the SURS retirement plan. Contributions are
tax deferred, have yearly limits, and are funded through payroll deductions. The accumulated
contributions and income are taxed when withdrawn from the plan. This money cannot be
withdrawn before retirement or age 59 ½, without paying a penalty to the IRS. Withdrawing must
start by age 70 1/2. The employee deals directly with the investment provider to control the
investment mix. Please access more information at https://fast.svcc.edu/hr/benefits.html or
contact the Business Office for details.
3.2 Employee Recognition Programs
SVCC has several recognition programs for employees, which include the following:
Sauk Celebrates A monthly networking event is held throughout the year for employees to
get together and we have an employee speaker who is our “Sauk Celebrity”.
Sauk Salutes Recognizes staff and faculty for exceptional service and is a web based form at
Years of Service Employees receive service awards for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 years of
Retirement In the spring, a retirement ceremony is held for those retiring in the academic
year and retirees receive special recognition and an engraved plaque with a picture of the
Outstanding Staff, Outstanding Faculty, and Outstanding Adjunct Faculty In the spring,
SVCC employees nominate colleagues who have provided exceptional service and dedication
to the College for Outstanding Awards.
3.3 Health, Life, and Disability Insurance and Section 125 (Cafeteria Plan)
Details of hospitalization/major medical and life insurance for all full-time faculty members is
found in the Faculty Contract. The College offers group health plan coverage and life insurance
coverage for all full-time employees and their eligible dependents. Coverage is at the discretion of
the Board. The Board will determine the cost paid by the College. The employee will pay the
balance of the cost, through employee premiums deducted, pro-rata, from the employee’s pay
unless otherwise authorized by the employee. In the event of termination of employment, any
balance will be deducted from the final paycheck of the employee.
The College offers a voluntary long-term disability program for full-time employees. For detailed
information regarding the insurance programs, please contact the Human Resources department.
Details of Section 125 for all full-time faculty members may be found in the Faculty Contract.
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The Board will establish a Section 125 plan in accordance with the requirements of Section 125 of
the Internal Revenue Code through salary reduction that will allow full-time staff to elect to
designate a portion of their salary pre-tax for the payment of any allowable expenses. Please
contact Human Resources for details of the plan.
3.4 Holidays
The College celebrates the holidays listed below during the year. The College is normally closed
the last part of December for winter break, and some holidays are used during that time.
Labor Day New Year’s Day
Thanksgiving Day Martin Luther King’s Birthday
Day after Thanksgiving Memorial Day
Christmas Eve 4
of July
Christmas Day Four (4) floating holidays
New Year’s Eve
Full-time employees eligible for holiday pay receive pay at his or her straight time hourly rate for
the scheduled work hours on that day. Permanent part-time professional-technical and support
staff who work 20 hours or more per week will receive pro-rated holiday pay of four (4) hours at
their regular straight time rate for six major holidays. The six major holidays that apply are:
New Year’s Day Memorial Day
Independence Day Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day
If one of the six major holidays should fall on a weekend, then this is not considered a paid holiday.
A holiday schedule is available on the SVCC Website at https://fast.svcc.edu/hr/benefits.html.
3.5 Injury on Job Workers’ Compensation
All employees have the right to report work related injuries and illness without the threat of
discharge or any manner of discrimination. Employees should report all injuries, regardless of how
small or incidental to his or her immediate supervisor as soon as possible. Supervisors will
complete an incident report with the assistance of the employee as soon as possible. Leave
associated with a workers’ compensation injury is applicable to the Family and Medical Leave Act
3.6 Jury Duty
The Board will pay regular salary to a full-time employee called to serve as a juror, and the
employee will retain any reimbursement.
3.7 Other Benefits
All Sauk employees are eligible to receive discounts at the bookstore, on theatre tickets, and for
admission to athletic events. If you have questions, please contact the Human Resources
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3.8 Other Leaves
The President, with the approval of the Board of Trustees, may grant other leaves of absence with
full pay, reduced salary, or without salary for the purpose of professional development,
acceptance of professional assignments of limited duration with other colleges, governmental
agencies, or with foreign nations. Such leaves will be for appropriate purposes consistent with the
needs and interests of the College. Application for such leaves will be made in writing, to the
president, and will state the purpose for which the leave is requested, the anticipated duration,
and its value to the College. The terms and conditions of the leave will be determined at the time
the request for leave is granted.
3.9 Personal Leave
Details of personal leave for all full-time faculty members may be found in the Faculty Contract.
All full-time administrators, professional-technical, and support staff (40 hours) will accrue three
personal leave days annually that may be taken for personal reasons. Staff members will make
reasonable effort to provide adequate notice to their supervisors when they are to be on a
personal leave of absence.
3.10 Sick and Vacation Leave
Sick Leave Details of sick leave for all full-time faculty members may be found in the Faculty
Contract. Administrative, professional-technical, and support staff who work a forty-hour per
week schedule will accrue sick leave at the rate of .423 days per pay period (bi-weekly). Thirty-
hour per week eligible employees accrue at a rate of .317 days per pay period (bi-weekly).
Employees working less than full-time will not be authorized sick time. Sick leave may be
accumulated without limit. It is intended that no sick time will be used before being earned,
however, in extraordinary circumstances, sick leave may be advanced on the prior written request
of the employee’s supervisor. In the event of termination of employment, any sick leave owed to
the College will be deducted from the final salary payment at the pay rate in effect at the time of
separation. An employee will not be paid for unused sick leave when termination or resignation
from the College occurs. An employee who must be absent from duty because of illness will notify
his or her supervisor at the earliest possible time. Every day of absence will be indicated on the
employee’s time sheet. Any absence for reasons which qualify under the Family and Medical Leave
Act must be counted toward leave allowed under that policy. Employees are eligible to use sick
leave for absences due to illness, injury, death, or medical appointment for the employee,
employee’s child, spouse, sibling, parent, mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandchild, grandparent, or
stepparent. Conditions relating to pregnancy will be treated as any other serious health condition.
As a condition to such sick leave, the staff member may be required to furnish a written statement
from the member’s physician describing the condition of the ill-being and physical reasons for the
staff member’s inability to work. In the event of sick leave taken because of a sickness of a
member of the employee’s immediate family, as a condition to sick leave, the staff member may
be required to furnish a statement from the treating physician describing the condition of the ill-
being and physical reasons for the necessity for the staff member to be with the family member.
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Vacations Details of annual vacation for the 12-month counselors and librarians may be found in
the Faculty Contract. Administrators earn vacation at the rate of .923 days per pay bi-weekly
period (24 days annually). Full-time professional-technical and support staff earn annual vacation
at the following rates per bi-weekly pay period. Bi-weekly is defined as every other week and the
rates are effective on the first day of a pay period.
Year of employment
First and second years of employment
.538 days (14 days annually)
Third and fourth years of employment
.577 days (15 days annually)
Fifth and sixth years of employment
.654 days (17 days annually)
Seventh and eighth years of employment
.692 days (18 days annually)
Ninth and tenth years of employment
.731 days (19 days annually)
Eleventh and twelfth years of employment
.769 days (20 days annually)
Thirteenth and fourteenth years of employment
.808 days (21 days annually)
Fifteenth and all subsequent years of employment
.846 days (22 days annually)
The employee’s supervisor will approve the scheduling of all vacations. At the end of the last full
pay period worked in the fiscal year, any vacation time over one and one-half times the annual
allocation will be lost. Unless excepted by the President, all employees will take vacation or
personal days when the College is scheduled to be closed in December and in the first week of
January, as shown by the College calendar. It is intended that no vacation time will be used before
being earned; however, should any employee seek to take vacation in advance it may be allowed
only with the prior written approval of a supervisor. In the event of termination of employment,
any vacation time owed to the College will be deducted from the final salary payment at the pay
rate in effect at the time of separation.
3.11 SURS State Universities Retirement System
SURS provides retirement, disability, death, and survivors benefits to all eligible participants.
Generally, SURS covers all employees, including part-time employees who work for the College for
at least one continuous academic term. Details concerning retirement allowances, disability
benefits, reciprocity, and refunds allowances are contained in the SURS handbook, which is issued
to every member at the beginning of their employment. Please access the SURS website at
3.12 Tuition Reimbursement
Details of tuition reimbursement for all full-time faculty members may be found in the Faculty
Contract. The Board will pay tuition and mandatory fees at the rate of $175 per credit hour up to a
maximum of $2,100 per fiscal year for courses taken by full-time administrators and full-time staff,
providing these courses are related to their work at the College. Any exceptions are to be made by
the supervisor with the approval of a developmental plan. Reimbursement may be used for
graduate or undergraduate credit, workshops, seminars, or symposiums as equated by the
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Prior to beginning the class, the employee needs to complete and submit the educational or
professional development form. Once the class has been completed, the staff member should
complete the tuition reimbursement form with receipt of payment and grades for reimbursement.
The educational or professional development form and the tuition reimbursement form for staff is
at https://fast.svcc.edu/hr/benefits.html.
3.13 Tuition Waiver
All full-time employees, their spouses, and dependent children (up to age 23) are eligible to
receive free tuition for credit courses offered at SVCC. All permanent part-time professional-
technical and support employees, their spouses, and dependent children (up to age 23) will be
eligible for tuition waivers on a pro-rated basis (75% for staff working 20 hours or more per week,
50% for staff working 10 to 19 hours per week).
The College agrees to grant free tuition enrollment at the College for adjunct faculty, their
spouses, or their children (up to age 23) to the extent of the number of credit hours taught by the
faculty member during each semester. Such waivers may be used in the current semester, or
either of the next two semesters, including the summer semester. If the tuition waivers are not
used during those periods, they will expire. If an employee dies working for the College, the tuition
waiver will remain in effect for his/her surviving dependents under 23 years of age. The student
pays activity fee, lab fees, and cost of books.
Please see the Business Office once enrolled to obtain your tuition waiver.
3.14 Sauk Serves
Sauk Serves is a volunteer program where Sauk employees volunteer in the community. If
employees volunteer at least eight hours at predetermined community events, they will receive 8
hours of personal time in the next fiscal year. This is available for all part-time and full-time
administrators, professional-technical, support and full-time faculty members.
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4.1 Calculation of Payment of Load Credit for Seminars and Internships
In order to provide for uniformity and consistency in calculating load or payment for courses such
as seminars or internships, the following procedure is used.
Occupational Seminars Seminars (lecture) carry a 1.0 load factor as specified in the Faculty
Contract. In instances where there are a low number of students, the load or salary is calculated
on a tutorial basis, in the same manner as all regular classes.
Laboratory Hours - Faculty shall receive .90 load hours for each laboratory hour.
Occupational Internships-
Full-time Faculty Academic Year- Internships will be calculated on the basis of 0.2 per
student. (Thus, five students would equal a 1.0 load factor.)
Full-time Faculty Summer School- The pay rate for full-time faculty applies as
provided in the Faculty Contract. Internships will be calculated on the basis of 0.2 per
student and the load factor will be multiplied by the summer pay rate.
Part-time faculty Instances where part-time faculty handle internships, the 0.2 per
student would be multiplied by the part-time rate.
4.2 Deductions from your Pay
As required by law, SVCC makes the following deductions from your pay:
State Universities Retirement System (SURS) 8.5% is deducted from your pay; 8% is tax deferred.
Currently, 8% is the employee’s contribution to his or her retirement and .5% is for retiree health
Social Security The College does not deduct social security from paychecks, as the College is a
member of the State Universities Retirement System, a section 401(a) retirement plan.
Medicare The College matches your Medicare contributions to the government, dollar for dollar.
Federal Income Tax Your deductions are according to your salary level and the number of
exemptions you claim. If you need to change this status, or need to have more than the required
amount of income tax deducted, please see the Business Office to complete a new W-4 form.
State Income Tax Your deductions are according to the guidelines described above (see federal
income tax).
In addition, if you have elected to take insurance benefits, or participate in the College’s 403(b)
Plan, 457 Plan, and/or Flexible Benefits Plan, your employee contribution is also be deducted from
your pay. However, your signature is required to authorize any or all of these deductions. The
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College honors all valid withholding orders, which may include wage garnishments, spousal
support, and child support orders.
4.3 Direct Deposit
Employees have the option to deposit their paycheck to a financial institution. It takes one pay run
(pre-note) to ensure that all the account numbers are correct. Your first check will be a live check,
and you may pick it up in the Business Office. You will access your pay information on Banner Self-
Service (Sauk on-line access to records) as well as sign up for direct deposit. If you do not elect to
have your check direct deposited, you may pick it up in the Business Office or have it mailed to
your home.
4.4 Time and Pay Records
SVCC employees are paid bi-weekly on Thursday. Employees receive their paycheck eleven days
after the end of the pay period. The pay period runs from 12:01 a.m. Monday morning through
midnight on Sunday night for a two-week span. Please check the payroll schedule for check
distribution dates. Full-time faculty with a ten-month contract have the option of distributing their
pay over 19 or 26 equal payments.
Electronic time sheets and request for time-off forms will be on the Sauk website under SOAR
located on the employee dashboard. Please see your supervisor on instructions on how to
complete your timecard.
4.5 Payment for Independent Study and Tutorial Courses
Tutorial and independent study courses are paid at the current tutorial rate per credit hour. The
current rate may be obtained by contacting the Executive Assistant to the Vice President of
Academics and Student Services.
4.6 Payment for Other Services
Pay for other services may include internet development, a distance learning course, a night class
premium, teaching honors classes, and some advisory responsibilities. Please see the Faculty
Contract for details.
4.7 Placement on Faculty Salary Schedule
The guidelines outlined below are intended to be used as a general guide in placing new faculty
members. Special circumstances may require placement that differs from these guidelines in some
Horizontal Placement Evaluate the degrees earned, the hours earned beyond the last degree,
and the minimal professional experience required as per the faculty contract.
Vertical Placement Award one-step for each year of full-time teaching experience at the college
level. Award one-step for each two years of related experience and teaching experience below
the college level. Award one-step for each two years of part-time professional or teaching
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5.1 College Forms
Forms are used for a variety of purposes to expedite day-to-day college functions. For purposes of
convenience, they are grouped into academic, administrative, annual requests, business office,
human resources, and faculty categories. Please become familiar with these forms and to use
them for the appropriate purposes. All forms can be accessed through the College’s Faculty and
Staff Tools (FAST) at http://fast.svcc.edu/index.html
Forms for Academic Related Matters
The following forms are used to facilitate the routine college functions that relate to academic
matters and may be found on FAST. These forms are necessary to ensure adequate record keeping
and to expedite day-to-day transactions that relate to the academic approval process.
Grade Change
Incomplete Grade Contract
Pass/Withdrawal Grade Option
Audit Course Form
Application for Credit by Evaluation
Proficiency Request
Substitution Request
Petition for Certification, License, or Registry Credit
Application for Tutorial/Independent Study
Curriculum and Policy Action Form
Request for Support from Faculty Development Funds
Forms for Faculty Professional Development
Faculty Development Activity Report and Approval of Promotional Credit
Faculty Development Funding Request
Request for Promotional Credit (preapproval)
5.2 Disability Support Services Office
The College is required under the Americans with Disabilities Act to provide reasonable
accommodations for all students meeting the requirements of the law. The College has a Disability
Support Services office to assess, evaluate and determine each student’s needs and to work with
the faculty to ensure that each student is given the accommodations he or she needs to have the
opportunity to be successful. The instructor is responsible for working with the Director of
Disability Support Services to provide those accommodations to which the student is entitled.
5.3 Evaluations and Classroom Observations
Evaluations procedures for full-time faculty are found in the Faculty Contract. Performance
evaluations are conducted for all full-time and part-time support and professional/technical staff
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from May through June. Annual evaluations for administrators occur during January through
March. If the Board of Trustees approves salary increases, the effective date is July 1 for staff and
the beginning of the academic year for faculty. Employees hired during the fiscal year receive a
pro-rated increase.
For adjunct faculty at least once every three semesters, your Dean or Director will visit your
classroom for an observation. Adjunct faculty are notified in advance as to the date of the
observation. The Dean or Director will write up a report and send two copies to you. The adjunct
faculty will need to sign one copy and return it to the Dean or Director’s office for the personnel
file. The other copy is for your records.
5.4 Faculty On-line Orientation
There is a new faculty on-line orientation to assist you in preparing to teach as a faculty member
at SVCC. Please refer to it for help at https://fast.svcc.edu/training/new-faculty-orientation.html.
5.5 Important Contacts
A current list of College contacts is maintained on the College’s website at
www.svcc.edu/directory. Please see the campus map at www.svcc.edu/map to locate rooms and
offices. Sauk Valley Community College’s main phone line is 815-288-5511. For evening hours and
weekend access, please call 815-441-2040 for assistance.
5.6 Mail
You will find a mailbox with your name on it in the information center on the first floor, room
1C04. Be sure to check your campus mailbox each time you come in. A College e-mail address will
be assigned to you once you are in our system. Important information will be communicated
through your Sauk e-mail so it is important to check it often. Please see your supervisor to find out
your e-mail address.
5.7 Office Hours
Faculty must schedule a minimum of 300 minutes of office hours each week (in a minimum of 30-
minute blocks) during the fall and spring semesters. These office hours should maximize the
instructor's availability to students and should be scheduled between the hours of 7:00 AM and
9:30 PM. Office hours may not be scheduled during the Wednesday activity hour (12:30-1:30 PM).
Faculty office hours will be held in the instructor's office, the Learning Commons, or other
instructional areas that are approved by the instructor's supervisor. Faculty may schedule up to
150 minutes of online office hours each week as part of their 300 minute minimum allotment;
these online office hours may be offsite and are to include video conferencing links that are posted
within the syllabus and Learning Management System. For all office hours, instructors will post the
time of their office hours, the location of the office hours, and the best way for students to reach
them (e.g., email, LMS, or phone) in their class syllabi. Additional online office hours may be
approved by the Academic Vice President.
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5.8 Photocopies & Print Shop
Copy machines are available for your use in various locations throughout the building. Your
employee ID will allow you to use the copiers. The print shop is available for large volume orders,
brochures, and spiral bound books. It is located on the third floor in the Marketing department.
5.9 Policy for Mandatory Health Standards for Health Career Education Faculty
The documentation of immunization and CPR certification ensures that all health careers
education faculty comply with the requirements of all the health care facilities where clinical
instruction is provided.
All full-time and part-time health careers education faculty who provide clinical instruction will
provide documentation for the requirements listed below to the Director of Health Professions
prior to beginning clinical rotations each academic year or at the beginning of a clinical
assignment. Full-time faculty will receive reimbursement for the costs of meeting these
requirements. Part-time faculty will not be reimbursed for the costs of meeting this requirement.
Required Immunizations/Certifications
Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR)
(Documentation of previous immunization according to guidelines, receive the MMR vaccination
or proof of immunization through a blood titer.)
TB Skin Testing Annually
Documentation of a two-step Mantoux skin test is required for all new employees according to the
guidelines. Following this documentation, an annual Mantoux skin test is required.
CPR Certification
Current CPR certification must meet the policy of the clinical sites.
Reimbursement Process:
A check request is issued after the faculty member provides documentation information.
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6.1 Academic Freedom
It is the policy of SVCC to maintain and encourage an atmosphere of freedom in teaching
commensurate with the responsibility, which each faculty member must assume. The College
believes that creative scholarship may thrive only in an atmosphere where there is freedom for
examination of ideas. Such freedom includes the right to investigate problems and to evaluate and
question accepted theories. Academic freedom carries with it the responsibility to offer alternative
solutions in an unbiased manner and to develop in students the habit of independent
investigation. The protection of the prerogative of academic freedom requires a conscientious,
responsible staff. Specifically, each member of the College community should uphold the dignity of
the College in all activities; set for students an example of integrity, tolerance, and decency; and
maintain high standards of scholarship and personal conduct.
6.2 Choosing a Text
Faculty should use the following procedures for book adoption requests:
Access the SVCC bookstore website at svcc.edu/bookstore.
In the dropdown menu under 'books’, choose 'online adoptions'.
Sign In OR (New? Register here> (Bookstore supplied password for 1st time user is 0626).
Once you have registered--continue and enter your textbook information.
It is a requirement of the Higher Education Opportunity Act that textbook information be available
on-line for students at the time of registration.
6.3 Classroom Management
The faculty member is responsible for maintaining order in the classroom and fostering an
atmosphere supportive of academic discourse and student learning. The faculty member may
impose reasonable rules upon the students for classroom behavior to meet this responsibility.
Doors may be closed and locked during class, but locking students out of the classroom is never an
acceptable means of controlling order in a class and should never occur.
6.4 Course Outlines
It is the responsibility of the Vice President of Academics and Student Services, working with
faculty, to assure that course outlines are developed and aligned with IAI course guidelines when
applicable. These outlines describe courses, identify course objectives/outcomes, identify how
outcomes are assessed, and are used as guides to help ensure that the students enrolled in multi-
section and sequential courses will have an equal opportunity to achieve designated outcomes.
Course outlines are reviewed during the five-year program review process and additionally when
textbooks are changed. A sample format of the course outline is provided on-line through FAST,
the College’s intranet site at https://fast.svcc.edu/curriculum-instruction/outline-
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6.5 Course Syllabi
Faculty are required to prepare a course syllabus for each course taught. The syllabus must be
aligned with the course outline and identify outcome statements and assessment methods. The
syllabus must be submitted in an electronic format to the Vice President of Academics and Student
Services by the start of the second week of classes. Copies of the course syllabus are to be
distributed and discussed with students at the first class meeting.
Please ensure that your syllabus includes the institutional polices which is a separate document. A
copy of these policies and a syllabus template are found on the College website through FAST
under academic forms at https://fast.svcc.edu/curriculum-instruction/outline-syllabi/index.html.
Both the syllabus and the institutional policies should be distributed to students in either hard
copy or electronic format. The syllabus must address all items contained in the current syllabus
template; however, these are only minimal expectations. Additional information for students is
6.6 Hours of Classroom and/or On-line Instruction
Contact hours are determined according to the Illinois Community College Board’s administrative
rules and is/was determined when the course was approved.
Courses with students participating in lecture/discussion oriented instruction shall be assigned one
semester credit hour or equivalent for each 15 classroom contact hours, at a minimum, of
instruction per semester or equivalent. A contact hour is defined as a 50-60 minute clock hour of
instructional activity that may include classroom, online, laboratory, clinical or work-based
instruction or any combination of those instructional methods.
6.7 Procedure for Notification of Class Cancellation
Faculty members have the responsibility to notify the Executive Assistant or the appropriate
Administrative Assistant prior to canceling classes. Please do this at the earliest possible time. Calls
prior to 7:30 am are made to security at (815)-441-2040. Nursing instructors with 7:00 am clinical
assignments will notify the Director of Health Professions at home as soon as the need to be
absent is known. Class cancellation forms are typed and posted on the classroom door as well as
posted on the College website.
6.8 Sauk On-line Access to Records (SOAR)
Current class lists, student information, and personnel information are accessed through the SOAR
system, available from the on-line services menu on the College website. Instructors are required
to use SOAR to verify class lists and to submit never attended, fifth week, midterm, and final class
list information as requested by the admissions and records office. SOAR is used to submit all
required grades. Please use the SOAR system to update your address, direct deposit information,
and access your pay information.
As the College moves towards using less paper, it is important to maintain records accurately with
the SOAR system.
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7.1 Assessment
Faculty are required to participate in the College’s ongoing program of assessment of student
learning outcomes by attending mandatory meetings, completing in class assessment activities,
and working with other faculty in his or her discipline on program level assessment.
Full-time faculty members are responsible for collecting and submitting data for an area
assessment, and two general education assessments per year. Many areas have group
assessments with a common test or rubric that everyone in the area uses to report student skills.
These rubrics are based on general objectives for the course, and will usually work with projects
and assessments you already use. General education assessments are completed individually, and
are based on six competencies the faculty identified as being consistent across all programs of
study: communication, research, ethics, mathematical reasoning, problem solving, and
technology. Each general education competency has a rubric housed in the general education
database which is used for reporting that data. A more detailed explanation of the assessment
requirements and reporting are found in the assessment plan, which is housed in the assessment
pages as described at https://www.svcc.edu/departments/irp/reporting/academic-assessment/
All faculty members are assigned to an assessment area, based on the courses they teach most
frequently. Cross-discipline instructors are assigned to a single area. Each area has an area leader
who is in charge of collecting data, keeping records of discussion, and overseeing the operational
planning process. If you are uncertain of your area, please contact an Assessment Core Team
member or the Vice President of Academics and Student Services for more information.
7.2 Attendance (Student)
Regular and prompt attendance is expected of students in all classes. College policy requires each
instructor to keep an accurate grade and daily attendance record for each student and to provide
this information upon request to appropriate College officials. A student who is absent from class
is responsible for any missed course work.
A student may be dropped from class if, in the instructor’s judgment, the student cannot benefit
from further class instruction. The instructor may assign the student a grade of “W” for withdrawal
or a grade of “F”. Grades are assigned by using the SOAR system. When withdrawing a student, or
assigning a grade of F, be sure to indicate the last date of attendance (this includes the last date
of engagement for on-line courses), with four-digit year, in the appropriate place using the SOAR
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7.3 Class Roster(s)
Your class roster(s) is found on the College website by accessing the SOAR system from the on-line
services menu. Please check this list frequently for changes in enrollment.
7.4 Classrooms
Instructors are to use only their assigned classroom. Room changes will not be made without
permission of your supervisor. Check with your supervisor for a key to your classroom. The library
conference room may be reserved on individual dates. This room has a seating capacity of 14 to 18
people. Contact the information center at extension 275 in advance to check availability and
schedule dates.
7.5 College Committee Service
Full-time faculty are required to participate in committee service and involvement in committees
is used in the faculty evaluation process. Adjunct faculty can serve on a volunteer basis. Please
check the Faculty Contract(s) for complete details regarding committee service as well as where
exemptions may exist. A list of current committees are found
at https://fast.svcc.edu/committee/index.html.
7.6 Faculty Responsibilities
Faculty are expected to be in their classrooms or teaching stations prior to the start of class and
conduct class for the full, scheduled class time. In the event of an illness, which will result in a class
cancellation, contact your supervisor at the earliest possible time between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
Contact the switchboard operator at 815-288-5511, if you are cancelling a class that starts at 8:00
a.m. or if you need to cancel an evening class after 4:30 p.m.
7.7 Final Exams
All instructors are to give their final exams during the assigned examination period. The
appropriate Dean or Director must approve any exceptions in advance. Classes beginning at or
after 4:00 p.m. are considered evening classes. Examinations for those classes should be given
during the regular class period. Students scheduled for more than two exams on any one day
should contact their instructors to facilitate an alternate exam schedule. The final exams schedule
may be found on the College website under Schedules.
7.8 Grading Policy, Procedures and Record Keeping
The following procedures are very important to allow Sauk to comply with federal and state
mandatory reporting requirements as well as support students during the semester.
Instructor State and Federal Reporting regulations
All instructors must indicate to the admissions and records office through SOAR, students who
have never attended class at the 10
day of classes. You will receive an e-mail from the registrar at
the beginning of the semester regarding “NA” (Never Attended) grades. If a student misses the
first two class sessions, they are to be assigned a grade of “NA” (never attended) in SOAR. If a
student then attends class after being assigned the “NA” grade and the instructor wishes to put
the student back in the class, they must contact the Admissions and Records office.
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All instructors must indicate to the Admissions and Records office through SOAR, students who are
not actively pursuing the completion of a class or who are not attending the course at mid-term.
Sauk prefers the instructor give a student an actual mid-term grade. This requires entering a letter
grade, or an “AP” grade for actively pursuing, or a “W” grade if the student is not actively pursuing.
Official final grades are entered by the instructor through SOAR and posted directly to the
student’s permanent record. Students will not be able to see their grades until after the Registrar
“rolls” the grades into history status. When this is complete, grade changes must be made through
the on-line grade change form.
A system of letters indicating the quality of academic work are found on the College website and in
the College catalog. Faculty will receive an email from the Registrar prior to due dates for midterm
and final reporting. The registrar will supply you with information regarding the grades
appropriate to your class.
These grades are used in calculating a student’s GPA:
Grade Grade Points
A - Excellent 4
B - Good 3
C - Average 2
D - Below Average 1
F - Failure 0
These grades are not used in calculating a student’s GPA:
I - Incomplete
P - Passing
W - Withdrawal
X - Audit
Z - Proficiency
Q Progressing
Note: Developmental grades and grades in non-credit classes are not calculated in the GPA.
Incomplete Grade
If a student is unable to complete a course and the student initiated withdrawal date has passed,
the instructor may assign a grade of “I” under the condition that it is practical for the student to
complete the requirements of the course in the following major term. Re-registering in the course
is not required in order to change an incomplete to a grade. A grade of “I” must be changed to a
letter grade by the student completing the requirements of the course no later than the end of the
following major term, or the “I” grade will be changed to an “F” on the student’s permanent
record. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor to complete the course.
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When the “I” grade is awarded, the student and the instructor will submit an appropriate written
plan noting projects and a time line for completion of the course to the appropriate dean. When
course requirements are completed, the instructor will submit the “incomplete contract” including
a grade change to the Registrar’s office.
Pass Grade
“P” (passing grade) is a grade that demonstrates that the student has met the class requirements
and/or allows the student to proceed to the next level of the course sequence. These credits are
not used in the calculation of GPA (grade point average).
Withdrawal Grade
“W” (withdrawal grade) is a grade that signifies that a student is not pursuing completion of the
course work during the enrolled semester. These credits are not computed in the GPA. The “W”
grade must be accompanied by an official last date of attendance.
Audit Grade
“X” (audit grade) is a grade assigned when a student registers for a course to gain knowledge but
does not wish to earn credit for the course. These credits are not computed in the GPA.
Proficiency Grade
“Z” (proficiency grade) is awarded when a student passes a proficiency exam. These credits are not
computed in the GPA.
Progressing Grade
A “Q” (progressing grade) is awarded when the course does not conform to the standard semester
timeline. A letter grade is awarded at the conclusion of the course.
Grading Options
Letter grades - (“A” “B” “C” “D” “F”) are awarded based on student performance as defined in the
instructor’s syllabus.
Pass/Fail (P/F) The pass/fail option is only for courses other than those within the major field.
This option must be designated by mid-term.
Pass/Withdrawal (P/W) The pass/withdrawal option is used only for Fitness Center courses
(PED 150-153). This option must be designated by mid-term.
Student Initiated
During the first two weeks of the fall and spring semesters, a student may drop a course by filing a
program change form in the Admissions and Records office. From the third through the tenth
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week of the class, a student may withdraw from a course by filing an instructor signed program
change in the admissions and records office. The signature indicates that the instructor is aware of
the withdrawal, and has had an opportunity to discuss reasons for the withdrawal and possible
alternatives. The instructor must indicate the official last date of attendance on the program
change form. A grade of “W” will be recorded on the student’s transcript. The faculty may also
enter the grade “W” or “F” grade using SOAR at https://soar.svcc.edu.
Please be sure to enter the last official date of attendance. Deadlines for withdrawal will be pro-
rated for classes that meet less than sixteen weeks, including summer sessions. Dual-enrollment
students should contact their high school counselor prior to withdrawing. The student’s failure to
withdraw properly may result in a failing grade of “F” in the course. When entering a grade of “F”
in SOAR, an official date of last attendance is also required. In the case, that a student completes
the course and receives an “F” grade the last attendance date entered in SOAR would be the date
of the final exam.
Instructor Initiated
Prior to the final examination, an instructor may withdraw a student if the instructor has proof
that a student cannot successfully complete the course. The Admissions and Records office will
notify the student of this withdrawal. The student will receive a final grade of “W” as outlined
above. Students should consult individual instructors about his/her policy on withdrawing the
student from the course. Any time a “W” grade is assigned, the official last date of attendance
must be recorded in SOAR. Students may appeal this withdrawal by using established College
appeal procedures. Students enrolled in health career courses may be withdrawn immediately
from these courses, if their clinical performance contributes to either the physical or emotional
jeopardy of clients.
The procedure for an academic appeal is found in the College catalog at
Grade entry
Student grades are to be completed using the SOAR on-line system. If you need assistance using
the faculty access, refer to the SOAR On-line Help at https://fast.svcc.edu/training/index.html.
If you have a student who is completing an honors project, the student is listed separately from
the rest of the class on the final class list. Please look for the separate menu in order to submit the
final grade for the student.
7.9 Operational Plans
Operational plans summarize the day-to-day activities that show how we are achieving our goals
and objectives. Operational planning involves every area with pursuing the strategic plan.
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Instructional Areas
Faculty leaders work with their respective areas to
Report on the current fiscal year operational plan and draft the next fiscal year operational
Submit operational plans to their appropriate Academic Dean and to the Director of
Research and Planning.
Non-Instructional Areas:
All area supervisors report on the current fiscal year operational plan and draft the next
fiscal year operational plan.
Submit operational plans to the supervising administrator and then to the Director of
Research and Planning.
7.10 Program Review
All instructional and student services units conduct a program review every five years as a tool for
continuous improvement and is required by the ICCB and the HLC. Units examine their status and
make plans that are aligned with the strategic plan. The President gives final approval on all
reviews. If you have questions regarding your department’s program review, please contact the
Director of Research and Planning.
7.11 Sponsoring Clubs and Special Events
Faculty members are encouraged to sponsor College clubs. Information on how to sponsor campus
clubs and organizations is available from the Dean of Student Services. Faculty may also sponsor
events at the College. Information on facilities and reservations is available in the Information
office, and publicity for the event may be arranged through the Marketing and Public Relations
office. Please contact your supervisor for details and approval. Current clubs are located at
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8.1 Adult Education
The Adult Education department strives to assist adults 17 years of age or older in acquiring
knowledge and skills necessary to earn a GED, to improve English language skills, and to transition
to higher educational or vocational training. This process encourages the adult learner to become
more employable, to become a successful partner in his or her children’s education, and to be a
more productive member of the community. Adult Education offers adult basic educational
services, citizenship services, community learning lab services, college prep services, English as a
second language (ESL) services, GED (R) services, knowledge and skills development services,
project VITAL (adult literacy services), and workforce services.
8.2 Career and Employer Services (CES)
Career and Employer Services plays an essential role in helping students at SVCC prepare for a
career in tomorrow’s fastest growing job fields. CES has a wide variety of resources to assist with
identifying career opportunities, finding up-to-date information on the latest job market trends,
acquiring work experience, and developing job search skills for a successful transition from school
to work. The CES Center is ready to help by providing the following services at no cost to students
Assistance with resume writing & review
Assistance with cover letter & follow-up letter writing
Assistance with job applications & essentials
Interviewing techniques
Soft skills enhancement
Job posts & announcements
Job search: resources for job possibilities
Marketing skills to potential employers
While we cannot guarantee job placement following graduation, we will assist with the necessary
resources to assist in obtaining career success. CES makes a College and employer connection. We
seek out job opportunities with area employers and focus on being an informational resource,
ensuring that the training provided here at SVCC is keeping up with the technology and demands
of the local employers, thus delivering a trained, skilled workforce for local businesses. CES also
provides customized training for business and industry that is designed to improve a company’s
performance, help meet established goals and positively influence the bottom line. We will either
coordinate college credit or non-credit training programs according to the business’s schedule, at
the Sauk campus or company site.
8.3 Community Education
The Community Education department offers a variety of programs and services to the public.
Students enroll in community classes for many reasons including improving work skills, enriching
personal lives, or just for the enjoyment of learning. A large variety of classes, speakers, and trips
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are offered each semester. Professional development courses are designed to help students
quickly develop skills necessary to succeed in their current job or make a career change. Topics
include computer software, soft skills training, safety courses, career programs, and so much
8.4 Counseling
Counseling services are available to all students (full-time, part-time, and community services
students). Please advise your students that counseling services are available to them on an
appointment basis and on a walk-in basis when counselors’ schedules permit. Faculty may refer
specific individuals at https://www.svcc.edu/students/counseling/mental-health-counseling.html
or by telephone or by stopping by the Student Services Center.
8.5 Early Alert System
Instructors refer eligible students to the early alert system with the simple on-line form on FAST at
https://fast.svcc.edu/curriculum-instruction/student-forms/early-alert-system.html. Please refer
students for both academic and non-academic issues that the faculty may become aware of during
the class experience. Please include as much detail as possible on the situation that is/has
occurred. All information is handled confidentially and shared only with those individuals receiving
a referral. Upon submitting the form, the referring faculty or staff member will see an immediate,
automatic web response to confirm their submission. The submitted information is sent
electronically to the Dean of Student Services. Students referred to the early alert program are
contacted initially by phone and/or e-mail by the appropriate service resource. Efforts are made to
work with the student and develop an academic success plan. Ultimately, it is the student's
responsibility to follow up and take advantage of the resources and referrals made available to
8.6 Fitness Center
Employees are eligible to sign up for fitness classes or use the Fitness Center for a small monthly
fee. Employees can sign up for a class in admissions or contact the Fitness staff to obtain
8.7 Information Center/Switchboard
The Information Center provides the following services:
Hold materials for student pick up
House the lost and found
House mailboxes for all staff and distribute mail
House the switchboard
Receive packages for instructors
Issue administrator night duty calendar
Schedule room reservations for non-class events
Day and evening contact for emergencies
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8.8 Learning Commons
The Learning Commons (LC) consists of the LC Tutoring Center and the LC Library. The Library and
Tutoring Center are located in 3L01. The Tutoring Center offers tutoring on a walk-in basis in math,
writing, biology, chemistry, accounting, psychology, sociology, and physics. A schedule of hours
and subjects available throughout the week is available from the staff. The Tutoring Center also
provides videos, software and handouts in math, writing and sciences as well as in study and
testing skills. Computers are available for student use. All staff are encouraged to use the
materials, equipment and services of the Library. Employees may receive a library card at the
circulation desk. Employees may request materials from other academic libraries through inter-
library loan. LC Library accept requests for items employees wish to see purchased. LC Library has
access to over 90,000 e-books through access 360 and EBSCO.
8.9 Marketing and Public Relations
The SVCC Marketing department provides strategically designed and implemented traditional and
multimedia materials to drive student enrollment and demonstrate the impact of SVCC in the
community to alumni, friends and donors. Marketing also provides the College desktop publishing
services and in-house printing. Marketing is responsible for releasing any information to public
sources with the exception of Freedom of Information Requests, which run through the Office of
the President. Please check with Marketing before you design any informational material for the
College. Marketing is located on the third floor at 3L24 and 3L26. If you have any questions
regarding this policy, please contact the Marketing Coordinator at 815-835-6219.
8.10 Student Support Services (SSS)
SSS is a federally funded TRIO program designed to assist first-generation, low-income, and/or
college students with documented disabilities achieve academic success. The program provides
extra support and encouragement for eligible students. Benefits of SSS include academic
counseling, career counseling, personal counseling, transfer advising, free tutoring, campus visits,
cultural activities, resource materials, assistance with financial aid applications, and success skills
8.11 Testing Center - OCR
The Testing Center is located on the first floor. There is a proctor and a work-study available to
assist with testing. The testing center proctors and administers exams of many types including
Sauk class exams, several types of placement exams, GED, as well as exams from external colleges,
universities, and professional sources. Tests for on-line mathematics classes are proctored in the
Testing Center. For a current listing of placement, professional, and career readiness exams, please
see the testing center web site at www.svcc.edu/departments/testing-center/index.html.
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9.1 Books in the SVCC library
Fink, L. Dee Creating Significant Learning Experiences: An Integrated Approach to Designing
College Courses.
Jossey-Bass: San Francisco, CA 2003.
Lyons, Richard E. The Adjunct Professor’s Guide to Success
Allyn & Bacon: Needham Heights, MA 1999.
Mc Glynn, Angela Provitera Successful Beginnings for College Teaching
Atwood Publishing: Madison, WI 2001.
McKeachie, W. & Marilla Svinicki Teaching Tips
Houghton Mifflin Company: Boston, MA 2006.
9.2 Web Links
Adjunctnation.com is an on-line resource for adjunct instructors at
The American Association of Community Colleges website is at https://www.aacc.nche.edu/.
We hope that this employee handbook will be a helpful reference for you. If you have questions
about any policies or practices, whether addressed herein or not, we encourage you to speak with
your supervisor or the Human Resources Director.